Katushya Rocket Lands Near Kever of Baba Sali; Chacham Ovadia Calls For Tefillah For Soldiers

baba1.jpgAs the IDF continues operating heavily in Gaza, the terrorists continue to relentlessly fire Kassam rockets at the city of Sderot, and Katushya (GRAD) Rockets at the city of Ashkelon. More than 30 rockets have already hit the region since Sunday morning. Four people were lightly wounded and taken to hospitals, and a dozen others suffered from shock. In Gaza, four soldiers were taken to hospitals after being injured in fighting.

In Ashkelon, a rocket scored a direct hit on a home – with shrapnel injuring a woman, and in a Kibbutz [in the Western Negev] a Kassam Rocket slammed directly into a home causing major structural damage.

In the city of Netivot, a Katushya Rocket landed right next to the Kever of the Baba Sali ZATZAL on Sunday morning. The rocket which struck at approximately 7:00AM, landed just outside the Kever – and only 150 meters away from the “Yissachar Bi’ohalecha” Kollel – in the area of the Bais Yitzchok Shul. Hundreds of Frum famalies live in the area. Maran Hagoen Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita has repeatedly said that if there is Torah being learned Birabim, there is nothing to fear – since the Zechus of Limud Hatorah protects the entire area.

Another Yungerman told a local news agency that “we have nothing to fear. The Baba Sali ZATZAL is watching over us, and protecting the entire city from harm”.

In his weekly Motzei Shabos Shiur last night, Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita called on Yidden to daven on behalf of the soldiers who are risking their lives in dangerous operations in Gaza. “We make a Mi-Shebairach each Shabbos for them – but this is not enough. We need to start doing this every Monday and Thursday,” the Chacham said.

צריך לברך את החיילים. “אנו עושים מי שברך בכל שבת, אבל זה לא מספיק. צריך לעשות גם בשני וחמישי. צריך לומר מי שברך שה’ ישמור עליהם ושיחזרו לבתיהם

Meanwhile, Chief Askenaz Rabbi Yona Metzger and Chief Sephardic Rabbi Shlomo Amar traveled to Southern Israel today to give Chizuk to families living there, and the IDF who is operating in the area. They planned on visiting wounded soldiers and civilians at Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon and Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva. They were also scheduled to visit Sderot, and other Western Negev communities who are are literally being terrorized to death.

As can be expected, not a word of condemnation against the murderous Hamas Rocket Squads – who have fired HUNDREDS of rockets into Israel last week – or a word against Iran who has manufactured the Katushya (GRAD) Rockets which have started landing in the city of Ashkelon.

The only condemnation is against Israel for their operations in hunting down those responsible, and the IAF’s air-strikes in Gaza which have successfully eliminated more than 70 terrorists. The major media outlets (outside of Israel) have failed to mention that Israel has allowed 62 trucks carrying medical supplies, cooking supplies, water purification supplies, as well as meat and fish, passed into the Gaza Strip.

17 Responses

  1. The one responsible for letting each of the 62 trucks of supplies is nothing less than a Rotzeiach.Don’t forget-in war-“ARUR MONEIA CHARBO MIDAM”.

  2. Why doesn’t “Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita” call for his Shas to leave the Israeli government and thus replace it with a more effective and decisive one?

  3. it would be nice if the yeshiva world included the misheberach that is said for the chayalei eretz yisroel, in the new feature of tfillot in pdf form; copies could be made for recital on mondays and thursdays in botei medrashim.

  4. I have heard the mishebeirach for tzahal in various “non-modern orthodox” shuls in America.

    In my humble opinion, I think the two main sticking points preventing its universal adoption are:

    1 – Why should any group be considered more needy of our tefillos than any other? What about the Jews still in Iran and various Arab countries?

    2 – Somewhat a follow-up to #1: Since the State of Israel is religiously “problematic” in so many ways, how can one bless its armed forces?
    a) Particularly, the mishebeirach waxes poetic about how they watch over our land – is that a reason to insert an extra mishebeirach into our davening? Had the Mishebeirach simply said to bless them because they defend the lives of their fellow Jews, that would be something else.
    b) I know of shuls that just say a generic tefilla for Jews in danger, which makes much more sense to me than saying a problematic mishebeirach.

    Granted, the soldiers of the IDF do what they can to protect its citizens who are Jews. But the State of Israel, its boss, is a separate animal, and since the IDF is the ISRAELi “Defense Forces”, it is problematic.

    In Israel, of course, there is a hakaras haTov issue, but not for chutz laAretz.

    Of course, if the Zionists would have not founded their “Nihye kiChal HaAmim” state, this question would not need to be asked because there would be no need for the IDF.

  5. The Ashkenazishe Yeshivahs are listening to their leader who still didn’t say to say that, and that’s the reason that they don’t do that. None of them is listening in other Halachos to Chacham Ovadia, they have their own leaders, both America aswell as Israel.

  6. Thank you for your concern Chacham Yosef, my eyes, ears and brains are working b”h and I’ve figured that out on my own.
    Let each mispallel when getting an aliyah, say the mishabarech for chayeli tzahal.

  7. Wasn’t about 1995 that Peres stood up in the Knesset and asked “aifo hakatyashas she’hevtichu lanu?”
    well… they’re here stupid.

  8. #8

    – if the chareidim were the ones living in sderot, they may be quicker to pray for soldiers defending them so they can live a normal existence. what could a simple tefilla hurt?

  9. “In Israel, of course, there is a hakaras haTov issue, but not for chutz laAretz.”

    R’ Yehuda HaLevi and Ramban would be sadly shaking their heads if they heard this…oy lanu…

  10. ‘Of course, if the Zionists would have not founded their “Nihye kiChal HaAmim” state, this question would not need to be asked because there would be no need for the IDF”
    INSTEAD of a IDF we would just need a CHEVRA KADISHA to bury all the JEWISH DEAD.

  11. It was reported on some blogs, but NOT in the MSM, that a rocket landed in ASHDOD [yes, Ashdod NOT Ashkelon]. Has anyone heard of this?

  12. In Modern Orthodox shuls we say a tefilla for the Medina as well as for Tzahal. Many of us have stopped saying the tefilla for the Medina after the evacuation from Gaza. The only basis for the tefilla in the first place was the key phrase, “reishit tzmichas geulasainu”. If Olmert has begun to give away parts of Eretz Yisroel there is no purpose to beseach Hashem to protect a government that would just as soon be comfortable in Uganda, where the UN originally wanted to establish a Jewish haven.

  13. Stan: You think so? In your mind, try turning back the clock to before Herzl’s heresy. Ever read about the old yishuvim? OR about the emigres from Europe and elsewhere who didn’t need armored suicide-bomber-proof buses? Or even about the Chevron Yeshiva, that, well after the Zionists began their agitations, did very well until the “religious Zionists” did with their shameful and provocative “Shema Yisrael HaKosel Shelanu”, which resulted in the terrible massacre because the Arabs thought they were all the same, though the Arabs in Chevron didn’t touch any of the sefardim living there, because they knew the sefardim had nothing to do with it.

    But you are correct; there would, of course, be a need for a chevra kadisha for those who reached 120+. But there would still be no need for an IDF, self-built ghetto walls, checkpoints, suicide-bomb-proof everything and the rest.

    Wakeup, it can’t hurt, but that’s no reason to invent mishebeirachs of questionable content. See my response to Neve Aliza, below.

    Neve Aliza, Dovid HaMelech has an entire book of Tehillim that, based on your screen name, I’m guessing you’ve probably recited more than us menfolk have. There is no need to make up mishebeirachs for anyone; the mishebeirachs in our mesorah and Tehillim are just fine.

  14. re: 62 truckloads
    as i recall, a year or two ago, they sent “emergency” food trucks to the hamas-nikim, but it was pesach, so they sent matzot, etc (no pitot)

    please — not this year (or at least, put a clause in the shtar mechirat chametz that they can use it for hamas-nikim)

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