PHOTOS: The Largest Lag B’Omer Bonfire In Eretz Yisroel – At Rechasim Talmud Torah


This year, too, the bonfire of Talmud Torah Tashbar was held in Rechasim.

The bonfire is organized every year by the Yeshiva which the community’s rav combines with an impressive Torah event of the children of the Talmud Torah.

The bonfire prevents dozens and perhaps hundreds of separate bonfires of students and is organized in conjunction with the classrooms in an orderly manner, with each child undergoing high-level work instruction and equipped with a helmet, harness, and personal gloves.

Due to the weather warnings of high winds, the height of the fire was reduced and before the fire, the area was cooled by water hoses, by firefighters who watched overthe event. Before the actual event, Haifa district firefighters and police from the Zevulun district assisted as did the Rechasim Local Council.

This year, following the petira of Hagaon HaRav Dov Yaffa ZT”L, the rav of Kehillos Chayei Torah HaGaon Rav Yosef Brandeis was honored with lighting the bonfire.

The head of the local council, Rabbi Yitzhak Reich, said that throughout the day he had direct contact with the commanders of the fire department and police to approve the safety measures taken for the fires. “Last week we went out with a campaign to warn about the fires and on preliminary patrols, and warning reports were placed on the dangerous bonfires by the council and the police, and “the evening passed without incident “.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem: Photo Credit: מועצה מקומית רכסים)

2 Responses

  1. Wow – such a choshuvah zach!. It’s like l’fnim meshuras hadin. They’re mamash like tzadikim and the eibishteh is going to protect them and everything around them because they have the BIGGEST madurah!

    Perhaps they can take their skills of pallet burning to the next greatest pesach hotel and show off their skills. They can do it on yom tov itself if they pass out twigs and marshmellows.

  2. I remember many years ago when the litvisha yeshivas and kollels announced that that anyone going to Meron would be thrown out of the kollel or yeshiva since lag b’omer is a day to learn not to waste dancing.

    However times have changed and people do not recognize the subtle change….

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