VIDEO & PHOTOS: Children Of Peleg Families Burn Israeli Flags In Lag Baomer Fire In Brachfeld

9 Responses

  1. Maybe next year they can wave the flags of other countries. I want to go up to those kids and relocate them around the world. One peleg child will be sent to North Korea, where he will be hanged or burned alive for practicing Judaism. Another peleg child will be sent to Cuba, where he will lose all rights to freedom of speech, press, and public opinion. A third peleg child will be sent to France where he will slit with a knife for wearing a yarmulka and tzitzis on the streets. The final forth Rasha peleg child will be sent to Iceland, where there is no kosher food, bris milah is banned by the government, and schita/kashering is punishable by imprisonment.

    Hakaros Hatov goes a long way in life regardless of where you live or who you are with. I live in the US and have enormous appreciation to America for being able to have Hashem’s gift to live and practice as a frum Jew (regardless if President Obama or President Trump). After waiting thousands of years, I have the gift from Hashem to be able to fly to Israel in less than 12 hours and being able to daven Mincha by the Kosel and attend a bris, while grabbing a Shawarma for dinner after. I might disagree with the Israeli government but Hashem has provided me too many gifts in life to create a Chillul Hashem and publicly burn Israeli flags.

  2. Why Why Why. This is NOT Torah.

    Any other country legal action would take place.

    Hashem we need your help!

  3. Peleg is and has been idiots. It attracts people who think being frummer-than-thou is Yiddishkiet and do not realize that it is really about serving haShem.

    They have no hakoras haTov to haShem for being in eretz haKodesh and deserve to be put in jail for their hooliganism…..
    Torah is NOT what they are about!

  4. Major fear what is in store for future Torah generations in Israel – if the leadership will come from this pool of talmidim.
    Busha gedolah…

  5. To TGIShabbos
    You write “One peleg child will be sent to North Korea, where he will be hanged or burned alive”

    Are you practicing the big mitzva of v’ohavto l’ray’achu komoichu and you want the same thing done to your self ?

  6. So sad to see this in Kiryat Sefer/Modiin Illit. This was such a nice, normal place. A beautiful example of a chareidi city where chilonim shop alongside chareidim, and nobody gives them any trouble.

    The Brachfeld neighborhood is known for their brand of the Mir Yeshiva. This was a very normal place.

    Over the last couple of years the extremists have started making trouble – blocking roads during protests, etc. This is such a beautiful community. I hope the oilam steps up and corrects this behavior. Klal Yisrael really needs more healing, not this.

  7. Mayer, ahha! I’m glad you learned the point of my analogy. We are all hopefully that BH these Peleg kids will one day love fellow Jews like they love themselves. Peleg having a hatred for other Jews (including some frum) in the IDF, police force, and Israeli government should turn to love one day, as you advised.

    I do not want the same thing for myself (North Korea) because I mentioned earlier that I have hakaras hatov that Hashem gave us countries like the US and Israel. Give it some time and we will hopefully see Peleg with the same appreciation one day. The difference between me and Peleg is that I don’t hate them- I hate their actions and philosophies.

  8. Trying to understand, Ponevitzh had the flag hanging on yom Hatzmod for the past 70 years, as requested by the Ponivetzh Rov and Rav Schach was RY there all the years. aren’t Pelg following Rav Schach.

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