Mechina Council Appoints Retired Police Chief As Advisor Following Flood Tragedy

The Pre-Military Preparatory Council appointed former Police Chief Shlomo Aharonishki as an external consultant regarding the field of safety and security in the preparatory courses. As part of his job, Aharonishki will work to examine the procedures and regulations currently in place in the preparatory courses, along with formulating recommendations for continued planned field activities.

On Tuesday, 16 Iyar, at the Beit Beryl College, the pre-army preparatory committee will hold a convention of all the heads of the preparatory programs. The opening of the conference will include speeches by Shlomo Aharonishki and Director-General of the IDF Preparatory Council Danny Zamir.

Retired Police Chief Aharonishki: “The difficult incident that occurred last Thursday must set off red lights, out of an understanding of the need, and from years of experience in both security and safety, and in the field of youth, I agreed to assist to the Pre-Military Council.

There is much controversy over the fact the mechina had the outing in the Aravah despite strong flash flood warnings and inclement weather. The school also came under fire for not clearing the outing with the Ministry of Education. The school fired back explaining that its status does not require it to obtain Education Ministry approval before trip, and this position has been established to be correct.

Regulations are now being changed in this area as well, to compel the mechina schools to file plans and details for their outings in advance, towards obtaining approval from a government agency.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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