El Al Complying With Demands Set By Rabbonim

elal.jpgThe Vaadas HaRabbonim Lemaan Kedushas HaShabbos in Eretz Yisroel has issued an official notice confirming that El Al is complying with the conditions set by the rabbonim as far as keeping the sanctity of Shabbos.

On the other hand three other Israeli airlines, Arkia, Israir and Sun D’Or, continue to desecrate Shabbos openly, says the Vaad. The Vaadas HaRabbonim is urging travelers not to patronize these companies, noting that if passengers avoid these airlines, “tovo aleihem bircas tov.” Sun D’Or is affiliated with El Al.

(Source: Dei’ah veDibur)

10 Responses

  1. When the airline is operaring during the week it calls itself ElAl. When it wants to fly on Shabbos, it calls itself Sun D’or. It’s still the same airline; it’s just fooling you and is no better than the others.
    Calling a store Shomer Shabbos just because it changes its sign on shabbos doesn’t make it Shomer Shabbos.

  2. this is great news..until we have a repeat of what happened last year, but bezras hashem maybe this time it will last. israair and the other ones dont really matter..el-al is by far the most popular, i dont expect the others to last much longer

  3. On the one hand we want that the Israeli airlines make money and the government will then have money to pay to protect its citizens and on the other hand we believe in HKB”H Who will protect those who protect the holy Shabbos.Hashem will protect us if we do not support desecration of covenants with our Leader,Hashem.Again,we must let our Torah sages advise us what is the correct path to follow.

  4. why doesn’t the va’ad harabanim start a new chareidi airline shomer shabbos, kosher meals, and affordable prices even israir want $1400 to israel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yasher Kochacha El AL! Continued adherance to
    Shmiras Shabbos shall earn you the priviledge of becoming the “Kanfei Nesharim” referred to in the Pasuk “VaEsa Eschem Al Kanfei Nesharim, VaAvi Eschem Elai” with the Kibutz Galios accompanying the Bias Goel Tzedek, BB”A.

  6. one big problem with the “selling to a goy on shabass” issue — you have to change the name of the business on shabbas. this is usually ignored by those who “sell” the business. so using the name sun dor, etc should be welcomed (sort of).

    to avraham:
    kibbutzim are socialists — not allowed on yw

    to neveh aliza:

    there already is a parody along the lines you suggest. but there are separate planes for men and women. separate cabins for ten agers, where the rebbe is thrown out, and video games (chas ve’cholilah television or movies!) and lots of noise and smoking (oops!).

    actually, there is a separate airport for the menner flights (20th ave at mcdonald, a compromoise between fltbush and bp) and viber flights. unlimited baggage allowance. mortgage brokers to facilitate ticketing.

    meal choices are chasidishe or litvishe hashgochas, and free warmed baby formula / bottles, with large multi bassinets (extra seat purchases).

    lubavitch got angry, so they started their own airline, with the rebbe’s face painted on each plane, and routes to bangkok, far east, russia, germany, etc.

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