Want To Be The Knesset Rav? You Don’t Have To Have Semicha

Regarding the tender for the position of “Rav of the Knesset”, the requirement of having semicha was removed.

A few weeks ago, the Knesset published a public tender for the position of the rabbi of the Mishkan – which includes responsibility for the religious issues in the legislature – kashrus, the shul, the affixing of mezuzos, the sale of chametz and more. The demand for the position required one to have Yoreh Yoreh from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

Amichai Athali reports in Yediot Achronot on Thursday, 11 Iyar, that the Reform Center for Religious Affairs has submitted an official request to Knesset Director-General Albert Sakharovitz and to the Knesset’s legal advisor, Attorney Eyal Yinon, claiming that the position discriminates against women. Women cannot take the certification exams in the Chief Rabbinate. The Knesset has withdrawn the tender for the position.

The statement from the Knesset spokesman indicated the new tender will not demand Yoreh Yoreh, but an academic degree and a Chief Rabbinate certification as mashgiach will do in place of semicha, backing down to the Reform Movement, clearly fearing a petition to the High Court.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. What’s the chiddush here? Rav Elyashiv (among many other Gedolei Yisroel) have described the Kenesset as a “Beis Minus”. Who would expect a Beis Minus to have a Rav with Smicha??

  2. Quite right. If there is a position as the Knesset Physician one would not expect a qualification as a Doctor.

  3. Quite right. If there is a position as the Knesset Physician one would not expect a qualification as a Doctor to be a requirement for the job.

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