Yahadut Hatorah Sets a Minimum Goal of 55,000 Votes in Yerushalayim

Leaders of Yahadut Hatorah met on Wednesday, 20 Teves 5773 to continue mapping out its election strategy, placing an emphasis on efforts in Yerushalayim. It was decided that Yahadut Hatorah must set a minimum goal for the capital, no less than 55,000 votes. The city has been broken down into no less than 45 areas towards maximizing electioneering in the different areas. The neighborhoods viewed as potential voters of Gimmel are broken down on different levels, including house-to-house and telephone campaigns.

Party leaders are afraid too many voters don’t understand the need for each and every eligible chareidi voter to cast his/her ballot. The party leaders are aware of the fact that each and every vote will count as the polls are not overly encouraging, in part due to the lack of achdus.

Senior party officials on Wednesday also met in Betar Illit and they officially launched the election campaign in that city as well. It was decided that Mayor Meir Rubinstein and askanim who reside in the city will play a major role in the electioneering efforts in the community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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