Former Mossad Chief Meets with Rav Elimelech Fuehrer To Thank Him

A frail former Mossad Director Meir Dagan met in his Tel Aviv home with Rabbi Elimelech Fuehrer (chairman and founder of “Ezra LeMarpeh”), who played a vital role in getting him to Belarus where he recently underwent a liver transplant. The meeting took place on Tuesday, 19 Teves 5773 as Dagan was released from Ichilov Hospital last week. Dagan was accompanied by Channel 2 News photographers.

Wishing to show his hakoras hatov for assisting him at the critical stage of his illness, Dagan announced his willingness to assist Rav Fuehrer in fundraising for a new rehabilitation center that he is building.

When asked how he is feeling, Dagan responded “When I see the rav, my doctor, I feel fine. He assists everyone from the downtrodden to world leaders. Anyone wishing to see this first hand can visit his office and see what is taking place in the waiting area. He also helps our people. Rav Fuehrer is the Mossad (institution).”

Dagan spoke of the friendship that has developed between the two, the rav’s genuine interest in his condition and his willingness to always give good advice, always seeking to assist in any way possible.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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