Feiglin: Pay the Arabs to Leave Yehuda & Shomron

Likud MK hopeful Moshe Feiglin, who heads the Manhigut Yehudit faction, believes that residents of PA (Palestinian Authority) autonomous areas can be bought out. He proposes paying them a half million dollars to leave those areas voluntarily.

Feiglin is quoted by Ynet saying “The State of Israel is paying 10% of its GNP every year for the two-state solution and the Oslo process. The state pays for separation barriers, Iron Domes and a guard at every café. Soon we’ll have to place Iron Domes in every school in Tel Aviv.

“With this budget we can give every Arab family in Yehuda and Shomron $500,000 to encourage it to immigrate to a place with a more promising future.”

Feiglin cites polls that indicate 80% of PA residents in Gaza and 65% of those in Yehuda and Shomron would leave if they were bought out, and he feels that many countries with shrinking populations would take them, actually preferring them to “Sudanese migrants who cannot build while these migrants do know about construction.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. 1. What is the Arabs offer to pay the Jews to leave? A good many hilonim dream of being Euro-Americans. They seek foreign passports. Vacation and go to school in Europe and America. While there is growing anti-semitism in Europe directed at frum Jews, secular Jews who look and act like goyim don’t have a problem. Several European countries have add leaders who are very open about their Jewish ancestry (including France, Austria and Britain). If the goyim offered $100K and citizenship in the country of choice, how many Israelis would accept? Even many frum Israelis would jump at the chance to move to Brooklyn, all expenses paid (and green card included).

    2. Note that the other Muslim countries have made it clear they won’t accept Palestinians as citizens, even those that have lived there for 65 years (meaning you are talking about third and fourth generation). Most Palestinians Christians have already left, since they are welcome in, and fit into, a wide variety of Christian countries. For a religious Muslim (as for a religious Jew), moving to a rich secular country isn’t necessarily a good prospect.

    3. Israel hasn’t even offered to pay for property confiscated from Arabs after the 1948 war or to compensate Palestianian refugees who fled Israeli territory 65 years ago (and of course, the Arabs have offered to compensate Jews who fled Arab countries). Offering serious payment for Arab claims would be a new development – and would start with Jaffa, not Hevron. Of course we could suggest the Euro-Americans pay the bills since a full scale war will be devasting to their economy – but they’re going broke.

  2. It’s a great idea! There are many arabs living here who are unhappy. Many would simply like to build a better life for themselves outside of the opressive rule of the PA and Hamas. Help them emigrate!

    They are skilled laborers (most of the beautiful construction you see in Israel was actually built by them!) I’m sure France, Canada, Denmark, the US, etc would do very well with having more skilled masons, tile workers, plumbers, concrete workers, etc.

    Best way to help a people who are poor & kept that way by their own people is to liberate them and give them a better life. Somewhere without all of the politics and heartache. Of course, there are plenty of arabs who won’t want to leave – especially in the 1st wave of emigrees – but more will come around when they hear from their bretheren in their new countries. They’ll hear about the wonderful life and freedoms.

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