Shul Allotment in Jerusalem Caught in Limbo Between Peleg and Degel Hatorah

HaRav Baruch Soloveitchik has seemingly brought an end to the confrontation between the Peleg and Degel Hatorah in Jerusalem’s city council. the two factions have been at odds over the allocation of a Shul in Jerusalem’s Ramot Aleph neighborhood. The Shul is slated to sit atop two kindergartens and the factions within the community have been vying for control of the Shul.

Sha’arei Tevunah Congregation, a non-profit organization in the community, has been lobbying city hall in the attempt to prevent the Peleg faction from gaining control of the slated Shul. The organization claims that since the Peleg are the minority of the community, that they should not receive control of the Shul.

Rav Soloveitchik, along with city hall advisor Avraham Kroizer toured the area to get a closer look at what the conflict is about. Askanim from both parts of the community created the delegation and each side presented their case.

An agreement was reached in which the Synagogue would be ear marked for use by the Peleg in the community as part of the fulfillment of an election promise by the current Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat. However, due to Degel Hatorah’s claims, the allotment hinges upon the condition that the site not be built upon. At a later date, another site will be allocated to the Peleg, once that occurs, the current site will revert to the use of the community of Degel Hatorah in the neighborhood.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. shame that extreme religiousness prevents the two from davening together.

    With the stupid groups that maintain that only they are correct, they break apart achdus in serving haShem, which is really what Judaism is all about!

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