SHOCK VIDEO: Meah Shearim Kids Stop Taxi, Rip Off Israeli Flag And Burn It

12 Responses

  1. great chinuch
    must be the fathers that are in brooklyn most of the year walking around with pitzuchei mashiach shopping bags and schnorring because they are in a shvere matzav

  2. These people need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If need be build a jail in the middle of the Negev and place them there. OR give them a choice to leave a country they obviously despise. Sick sick people.

  3. Palestinian kids weren’t born hating Jews. In the same fashion, these kids weren’t born extremist. They were brainwashed by their parents who were brainwashed by their parents. Very sad to see the young generation brainwashed in this manner.

  4. Its not shocking that Neturei Karta kids burn an Israeli flag – they believe it represents everything evil.
    It is shocking however that they think its Ok to steal somebody else’s property, no less the symbol of what he sees as sacred and be applauded for doing so. Lehavdil, how would they feel if some secular youths did that to their Tefilin?
    The result of the despicable chinuch that these kids are taught, to despise anyone who has a different upbringing or viewpoint to their own.
    That’s not the Torah way.

  5. The biggest shock of all is that one commentator doesn’t this this is shocking
    WHAT????????????? Chinuch to be Baryonim!

  6. they are so frum that they think that it is permissible to steal and destroy.

    oiy lanu, that chinuch has descended into such a low state of being….

  7. The real flag of the Jewish people is the Shabbat, which has symbolized us throughout the ages.
    We should be shocked by the fact the Shabbat is “burned” on a regular basis throughout the land of Israel!!

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