Winner Of The International Bible Quiz Is Ezriel Shilat

The winner of the annual Independence Day International Bible Quiz, held in the Jerusalem Theater, is Ezriel Shilat, of Chatzor HaGlilit. He attends Yeshiva Shomriya. Taking the second-place slot is Oriah Cohen of Kiryat Shmuel. She attends a Bnei Akiva girl’s school in Kiryat Motzkin.

Emcee of the event, Dr. Shalom Kor, pointed out it is interesting that this year, most of the participants in the semi-final round were from non-religious schools.

Ezriel and Oriah were in the final round, each responding correctly to 12 questions correctly. They then participated in the Golden Gate question, in which Ezriel responded correctly to a question but Oriah did not, leaving him as the winner.

Participants came from Israel, the United States, South Africa, Mexico, Argentina and other countries.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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