Too bad these pictures are not ramat beit shemesh… (not that Ramah BET is much different.) These pictures are from the heftziba neighborhood which is in BEIT SHEMESH. Not far from the kirya of beit shemesh or old beit shemesh, but quite a distance from either ramah aleph or bet… when reporting on eretz yisroel, one should be very careful not to fall into the cheit hameraglim or cause others to think poorly of eretz yisroel.
if they dont like were they live . and they hate the government . then move out
move to kirat joel
When my neighbor finds a chareidi st his door looking for a donation, he won’t give them anything unless they can sing the first 2 verses of Hatikva
He hasn’t written a check yet
why do you say ‘your neighbor’, say it you
we dont know your neighbor nor you
Why don’t they move to their friends in Gaza
Might be a long time till he gives a donation.
a couple of trashing idiots who think that being extreme is being very frum which is like the best a person can be.
Why don’t they go to the beis medresh and try using their obviously unused brains; it might be a thrilling experience to actually think!
I don’t get the point of this post.
Firstly, this isn’t Ramat Bet Shemesh. Please correct it, lashon harah and rechilus about Erets Yisrael is a hallacha.
Secondly, Bet Shemesh is a massive city. Writing this makes it sound, to someone who doesn’t know the area like this is the norm. It isn’t. And this is over an hours walk away from RBS A and Ginmel where the American yeshivish kehilla lives. You found twenty or so crazies on the other side of town.
Thirdly, this isn’t constructive. Yes, there are misguided people. I hope they do teshivah. I
t’s important that we know and deal with the crazies in our community. And it’s important that American donors ask the right questions before handing out checks that support dangerous people. Maybe write something up, in context, that frames the issue to make this constructive.
why should what 10 people choose to do in their neighbourhood – which does not effect the people around them deserve global reporting?
9 Responses
Too bad these pictures are not ramat beit shemesh… (not that Ramah BET is much different.) These pictures are from the heftziba neighborhood which is in BEIT SHEMESH. Not far from the kirya of beit shemesh or old beit shemesh, but quite a distance from either ramah aleph or bet… when reporting on eretz yisroel, one should be very careful not to fall into the cheit hameraglim or cause others to think poorly of eretz yisroel.
if they dont like were they live . and they hate the government . then move out
move to kirat joel
When my neighbor finds a chareidi st his door looking for a donation, he won’t give them anything unless they can sing the first 2 verses of Hatikva
He hasn’t written a check yet
why do you say ‘your neighbor’, say it you
we dont know your neighbor nor you
Why don’t they move to their friends in Gaza
Might be a long time till he gives a donation.
a couple of trashing idiots who think that being extreme is being very frum which is like the best a person can be.
Why don’t they go to the beis medresh and try using their obviously unused brains; it might be a thrilling experience to actually think!
I don’t get the point of this post.
Firstly, this isn’t Ramat Bet Shemesh. Please correct it, lashon harah and rechilus about Erets Yisrael is a hallacha.
Secondly, Bet Shemesh is a massive city. Writing this makes it sound, to someone who doesn’t know the area like this is the norm. It isn’t. And this is over an hours walk away from RBS A and Ginmel where the American yeshivish kehilla lives. You found twenty or so crazies on the other side of town.
Thirdly, this isn’t constructive. Yes, there are misguided people. I hope they do teshivah. I
t’s important that we know and deal with the crazies in our community. And it’s important that American donors ask the right questions before handing out checks that support dangerous people. Maybe write something up, in context, that frames the issue to make this constructive.
why should what 10 people choose to do in their neighbourhood – which does not effect the people around them deserve global reporting?