Netanyahu Uses Yom HaZikaron Address To Issue A Veiled Warning To Iran Over Syria Tensions

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday issued a veiled warning to Iran, saying in a Memorial Day speech that his country will defend itself against anyone that tries to harm it.

The premier’s remarks on Israel’s national day of mourning come amid rising tensions between Israel and Iran over an alleged Israeli airstrike targeting a Syrian air force base last week that left at least four Iranian military personnel dead.

Iran has threatened to retaliate, casting a shadow over Israel’s celebration of its 70-year Independence Day celebrations, which were to begin at sundown.

Netanyahu said Israel is “determined to stand strong” in the face of “continued incitement by our neighbors, a great many of whom refuse to come to terms with our existence.”

He warned that “anyone who raises a hand against us won’t be spared.”

Iran has been a major backer of Syrian President Bashar Assad in the seven-year Syrian civil war, providing the Assad government with troops, arms and militiamen.

Israel has repeatedly warned that it will take action to prevent Iran from entrenching its forces in neighboring Syria or transfer strategic arms to the Shiite militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel has carried out numerous airstrikes in Syria, most believed to have targeted suspected arms shipments bound for Hezbollah.

But in recent weeks, Israel and its archenemy Iran have moved closer toward open conflict. In February, Israel shot down what it says was an Iranian drone, launched from Syria, carrying explosives aimed at an Israeli target. Israel responded with airstrikes in Syria, with one warplane shot down, while destroying Syrian anti-aircraft systems at the T4 air base.

Last week, that same base was attacked in an airstrike that Syria, Iran and Russia all blamed on Israel. The Israelis have not commented on the strike, which killed at least four Iranian military personnel, but Iran has vowed revenge.

Earlier on Wednesday, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Twitter called for “offensive plans against the enemy,” without specifically naming Israel.

Earlier this week an aide to Khamenei said Iran is capable of destroying Israel and “if you provide an excuse for Iran, Tel Aviv and Haifa will be razed to the ground.”

Netanyahu spoke at ceremonies paying respects to fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem, hours before Israel was to begin celebrating its 70th anniversary at sundown.

Netanyahu doubled down on his defiant statement at an Independence Day celebration ceremony Wednesday night, saying Israel is “not deterred from a struggle against those who strive for our annihilation.”

“If we’re required to defend ourselves, we will rise to the challenge and ensure Israel’s victory,” Netanyahu said.

The government is celebrating the country’s many economic and cultural accomplishments, while Israelis spend the day with dancing, fireworks, parties and barbecues.

President Donald Trump tweeted congratulations to “all of the people of Israel on the 70th Anniversary of your Great Independence. We have no better friends anywhere. Looking forward to moving our Embassy to Jerusalem next month!”


Earlier on Wednesday, Israel came to a two-minute standstill to mark Memorial Day, one of the most somber days on its calendar.

Motorists pulled over on the sides of highways and roads, and pedestrians stopped in their tracks silently with heads bowed as a siren rang out at 11 a.m. A minute of silence was similarly observed on Tuesday evening.

People visited cemeteries and attended remembrance ceremonies across the country as radio and television networks broadcast programs about battle and loss and played solemn Hebrew music.

Israel counts 23,646 people who have been killed in wars and terror attacks since the fight for independence began, with 71 new names joining the list this year.


One Response

  1. היום זה יום שנוהגים בו אבלות. כי ביום המר והנמהר שמשנאיך נשאו ראש והרשעים אנשי השלטון הרשע חוגגים יום אידם, שמכריזים כפירה בקב”ה של 70 שנה רח”ל, בריש גלי, וחילול שם שמים בפועל, ומרידה במלכות שמים בפלטרין של מלך

    *ומתרבים כל יום הגזירות בהעברה על הדת
    *בחינוך לשמד לרבבות ילדי ישראל
    *אפי’ מתערבים בבתי חינוך החרדים
    *ובגזירות הגיוס לבנים ובנות בכפיה – ובפיתויים נוראים
    *בחילולי שבת קודש
    *בחילולי יו”ט
    *בחיטוטי שכבי
    *ביטול התורה הקדושה
    *ופרסומי שחץ ברחובות קריה, וכו’ וכו’ וכו

    חובה עלינו ביום זה להתפלל ולעורר רחמים רבים כאו”א כפי יכלתו, לבקש על כבוד שמים להעביר גלולים מן הארץ, וכל בני בשר יקראו בשמך, ולביטול כל הגזירות הנוראות נגד יהודים החרדים לדבר ד’, וגם להתאבל ולקונן ביום זה לקיים (הושע פרק ט) אל תשמח ישראל אל גיל בעמים”

    וכל אחד יתפלל מקירות לבו, לביטול כח הרע מזרע עמלק, וכל הרשעה כולה כעשן תכלה כי תעביר ממשלת זדון מן הארץ בהתגלות כבוד שמים בביאת משיח צדקנו ופדות נפשנו בב”א. כמו כן, יתקיים מנינים תפילה עם אמירת ‘עננו’ לאלו המתענים, “ויה”ר שהמדינה הציונית תתבטל בקרוב ממש ובמהרה ממש, אמן”

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