WATCH THIS: Chareidi Extremists Protest — Gedolei Yisroel Stand In Memory Of IDF Soldiers

Yom Hazikaron, the Israeli Memorial Day, began on Tuesday night at sundown. It begins with the sounding of the siren 8:00PM – the most noticeable feature of the day. The siren is heard throughout the country twice, during which the entire nation observes a two-minute “standstill” of all traffic and daily activities.

The Netrei Karta and the Peleg were out in Kikar Shabbos on Tuesday night, protesting during the ringing of the siren.

In additional to the video of those protesting during the 2 minute memorial for the soldiers, YWN has published an additional video – which is of Gedolei Yisroel showing their respect for IDF Soldiers killed while defending Eretz Yisroel.

At the “Sixth Kenessia Gedolah” held in Yerushalayim in 1980, a “Kail Malei Rachamim” was made for the memory of the previous Admorim, Rabonim and Roshei Yeshiva of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah as well as the IDF Soldiers that died Al Kiddush Hashem.

Gedolim who were standing during this Kail Malei Rachamim include, Rav Shach, Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Ruderman, the Gerrer Rebbe, the Vishnitzer Rebbe, the Slominer Rebbe, the Modizter Rebbe, and the Biala Rebbe.

מחאות החרדים הקיצוניים — קרדיט: שלומי זינגר

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Because Gedolei Yisroel understand that there are also Mitzvos bein adam le chaveiro also for those that don’t dress the same as you. It’s something that’s not commonly recognised in E”Y amongst most sectors of society, including Chareidim unfortunately. H’ Yerachem Oleinu.

  2. Get this ….. Rav Shach, Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Ruderman, the Gerrer Rebbe, the Vishnitzer Rebbe, the Slominer Rebbe, the Modizter Rebbe, and the Biala Rebbe all stood in honor of a “Kail Malei Rachamim” that was made for the memory of the previous Admorim, Rabonim and Roshei Yeshiva of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah!!!! Period.

  3. @occasionalvisitor
    No. There’s a difference between a Kel Malei which is a tefila from the gedolim or an arbitrary moment of silence instituted by people which our not out leaders which dies no good for the fallen soldiers.

  4. Yossele; Listen to the end the chayalim were clearly mentioned also.
    It’s interesting that YWN is juxtaposing the 2 videos. What does a Kel Moleh have to do with a non-Jewish custom of the moment of silence?
    Those protesting would do better to organize a public mishnayos learning for the neshomos of the fallen soldiers.

  5. There is a michtav from rav shach in the sefer michtovim were he paskens not to say any יזכור or מי שברך for fallen israeli soldiars. The 1980 clip means nothing. ZILTCH. It wasn’t the Gedolim who said the Kel Maleh it was some Joe Shmoe cantor. What’s to say the Gedolim at the Kenesiah were happy about it or that they approved it.

  6. some_belzer,

    Why would Rav Shach ZT’L say to fly the flag on his yeshiva on Yom H’atzmaut but not to say יזכור or a מי שברך in the memory of fallen soldiers? Doesn’t seem to add up, although I’m sure it’s possible you’re right.
    Can you post a copy of the psak you refer to??

  7. If some one gave his life for me, he deserves at least one minute of my time. The idiots in Meah Sharim can not think and do not feel, they are so focused on hatred that they can not see any good in anyone other than themselves.

    It does not bother these hoodlums to close down streets and cause other religious people hardships because of their perverted political hatred. They think they are tzadikim, but in reality the word closer to the reality is ‘reshaiyim”.

  8. A question – how many Yidden in the IDF died since ’48, and meanwhile how many Yidden died at the hands of anti-Semites in chu”L during those same years?
    Please note that the existence of the state would not have saved millions of yiddishe lives during the holocaust because the zionists (on record) did not want them here. they wanted them dead to build the state on their ashes.
    Therefore, an observation – a protest against the principle of zionism and those who uphold it would be more in line for causing the massive retzach that resulted from the creation of the state

  9. yehuda26-if the number after your name indicates your IQ it would be correct. The “medinah’ that you hate so much is BH thriving and growing and more and more chareidim are seeing the light. and saying hallel and thanking HKBH for this gift. You and your ilk will disappear in the dustbin of history as the “medinah’ will prosper.

  10. Here you go again. Sadly YWN are Zionist hacks. They cherry pick news items that portray Anti Zionists in a negative light by moving the conversation in the very extreme end of the spectrum. Its an old fony tactic.
    YWN: Your day of reckoning is coming.

  11. @Avadah
    I think you’re missing the point. The point is not the minutes silence, you’re right, that’s meaningless. The point is the feelings of those around us who my (mistakenly) attach importance to it. There’s simply no need to upset them for the price of standing still for a minute.

  12. rabbiofberlin, when Hashem gives a gift, He does so without demanding over 28,000 precious Yiddishe lives in return. By your logic, we should thank Him for the niftarim too.
    Unfortunately, kofrim like you are a majority of Yidden, brainwashed by the zionist “dream,” and an increasing number exist in the so-called chareidi world, as so many are ignorant of a) the history of zionism and the damage it has wrought and b) the halachic reasons why a state is assur.

  13. IS there really anyone here that doesn’t feel Hakaros Hatoiv to the soldiers who gave their LIVES defending the yidden in Eretz Yisroel???????
    i think some people just want to flaunt their Anti Zionist credentials but even they fell MASSIVE hakras hatoiv no matter what they say. Didn’t Rav Shlomo Zalman say it’s kedai to daven by the graves of the fallen soldiers on MT Hertzel??

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