IDF Education Corps Backs Down From Tour Of Churches And Other Non-Jewish Sites

The IDF Education Branch has long been known for its anti-Orthodox values, a unit of the military which decides what soldiers will be exposed to during educational days while serving. Not too surprising to those who understand this particular unit of the IDF, which often goes head-to-head with the IDF Rabbinate, it took soldiers to churches and lectures on the life of “J” and the “New Testament” R”L.

Arutz-7 reports that it was a complaint that it filed with the military that led to the decision to remove such tours from the itinerary of IDF soldiers. From the military’s point of view, it was part of broadening the education and exposure of soldiers, who are often unaware of the different cultures and religions. Education Branch officials insist such education expands the knowledge of soldiers and usually leads to increased acceptance and tolerance for others.

That being the case, Arutz-7 reports this tour has been canceled by the Education Branch.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I think that even using the first letter of you-know-whose name is inappropriate for a Torah site like this one! In the future, I think that all your readers would appreciate it if you just refereed to him as “you-know-who”, or maybe YKW for short. Shkoyach.

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