How To Know For Certain If An Item Was Produced After Pesach?

Many consumers in Eretz Yisrael are stringent and wish to only purchase chametz products made from flour ground after Pesach.

Once upon a time, one would rely on statements on a package stating, “made from flour ground after Pesach’, but this is no longer so, as many frauds have been revealed, items made from pre-Pesach flour or event manufactured prior to Pesach while marked otherwise.

Persons are advised to familiarize themselves with production codes, which are far more reliable towards determining if a product was manufactured before or after Pesach. This will not guarantee when the flour is from, but at least one will know when the item was produced.

If one takes Sunday, 8 April 2018 for example, it is the 98th days from the beginning of 2018. The production code would be 18-098, saying the 98th day of 2018. If an item was produced immediately following Yomtov, its code would be 19-097. In some cases, the code may be 8098, with the first ‘8’ for the year, 2018.

Other code options include 19-098-2, with the last number signaling during which shift or factory the item was produced.

According to this, items manufactured before the end of Pesach 5778 would have a code up to 8096.

Take Note: In the case of some items, the code represents packaging date and not date of manufacture.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. This will only identifies r EY products.
    However, in the USA we still have the issue…
    Some say, if this is the case, then there is more of a Shaileh eating those than eating the ones sold by a Jew with a proper Mechirah…

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