Peleg Motorcade Event To Begin At 5:30PM In Jerusalem

The phones are ringing to bring out large numbers of supporters for the chol hamoed kovod motorcade for the 63 honorees, talmidim affiliated with the Peleg Yerushalmi branch of the litvish community, all of whom served time in jail this past winter as the Peleg protests took place at intersections in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak and other countries. The decision was made by rabbonim shlita to sponsor the event, thereby sending a clear message, those who go to prison for the cause are looked up to and admired and respected by the rabbonim for their mesirus nefesh.

The event will begin at IDF Prison 4, where talmid Aharon Bailah remains imprisoned. He was arrested at the airport days before Yomtov, trying to fly to the United States to spend Pesach with family. He was permitted out for Seder and then returned to prison on the morning of the first day of Chol Hamoed.

From there the vehicular convoy will make its way to Yerushalayim and the main event to be held on Yirmiyahu Street, with women gathering on Brandeis. The 63 being honored served up to 90 days in a military prison after being arrested for being AWOL from military service. In line with the instructions of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach ZT”L, the members of the Peleg faction do not register with IDF induction centers, unlike the remainder of the litvish tzibur and most of the chassidish tzibur, which register by declaring limud Torah their profession and thereby are legally absent from the military and getting paid to learn by the government.

Following the petira of Rav Auerbach ZT”L, the rabbonim shlita decided to continue on his path, and talmidim would not report to induction centers as has been the case in the past.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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