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Olmert Continues Working as an Unofficial PA Spokesman

Over recent weeks, since the United Nations General Assembly voted to grant the PA (Palestinian Authority) non-member observer status, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has appointed himself an outspoken critic of the current administration. Olmert, who wanted to build in the area known as E1, between Maale Adumim and Jerusalem, has been blasting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for his recent statements to do just that, continue with the E1 project.

Addressing an Israel Bar Association forum in Tel Aviv, the former prime minister said “We are on the verge of a third intifada”, as if Israel’s response to the unilateral PA move in defiance of the Oslo Agreement would cause yet another round of PA-sponsored violence and terrorism.

Olmert used all the peace buzz words, highlighting his frustration, stating confidently he feels “there is still an opportunity for peace”, blaming Israel while ignoring 19 years of PA terror that has claimed over 1,500 innocent lives since the signing of the Oslo Agreement in September 1993.

In his reference to the UN vote to recognize the PA, Olmert added “a battle in the UN is preferable to terror attacks and bus bombings”, warning if Israel continues on its current path, “we will be dealt a painful blow that will impact all aspects of our lives.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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