VIDEO: The Fight For Control Over The Tziyun Of Shmuel HaNavi Is Underway


Perhaps taking their que from Christians who are fighting for control of Kever Dovid HaMelech, the Turks have begun their battle for control of Kever Shmuel HaNavi, Makor Rison reported. This is manifest by the regular visits of Turkish religious groups, as well as regularly and intentionally interfering in tefilos of Yidden at the site, as is clearly seen in the accompanying video, entitled “How the Jews went crazy while we visited”, filmed by one of the foreign visitors to the site.

The tziyun is located between Ramot and Givat Ze’ev in an area under total and exclusive Israeli control, eliminating any claims of outside control under the Oslo Agreements.

While there is a mosque in place on location, which was always used, the Turks feel they want the area used by the Jews too. Groups are coming regularly, from abroad, and they simply make themselves at home as Israeli authorities do little or nothing. Officials at the site explain Muslim visitors is not a new phenomenon, and they came in the past from China and other countries, but only the Turks are brazen enough to act as they do.

As is the case with Kever Dovid HaMelech, state agencies are ignoring the threat for the site is apparently not high on their agenda.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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