Tax Authority Inspectors Return To Meah Shearim – Confronted By Violent Mob [VIDEO & PHOTOS]


Israel Tax Authority inspectors on Monday, 3 Nissan, returned to Havakook Street in Meah Shearim after being chased out by the crowd on Sunday.

It did not take time for word to spread and once again, on Monday, there was a sizable crowd outside to send them the unwelcome message.

However, as seen in the accompanying video, this time inspectors were protected by a sizable Yassam commando force, determined to finish the business they began without being chased out of the community.

The shouts of “Nazis” can be heard and items were thrown at them as they were leaving the area.

Photo Credit: חדשות בזמן אמת / מחאות החרדים הקיצונים

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. In any other civilized country these no goodnick laydigayers would be locked up for years. Why the cops put up with thier shinanegens is beyond comprehension.

  2. how can the Zionist tax people that don’t recognize them? The Zionists need to realize that it is the Torah that protects Am Yisroel not them and their fancy expensive rockets each one of which costs more than it would to pay for a kollel yungerman. what a waste of resources.

  3. lol its pretty funny the underlying problem is that the country wants to make an organized country like all other nations with judicial laws,law of the land, tax collection, recognition from other countries as an official country etc and the charedim ,zionist or anti zionist, dont shtell tzu a ki hu zeh. the satmar rebbe said aint gonna be no medinah with shoftim and shotrim till the real mashiach comes. ywn your losing credibility with these irrelevant headlines on your front page. you could have a quiet day in the news department if there is nothing to report you dont have to worry you will lose traffic to your website but to post this on the main headline!!! you are if not already have lost your credibility

  4. To Annoyted:

    What some Satmar rav may have said or not said about the “Zionist State” and the legitimacy of its civil judicial system is about as irrelevant as the Trumpkopf’s tweets about the U.S. judicial system being rigged against him and the conspiracy of the “deep state” In fact, I’d probably give the relevance of the Trumpkopf’s tweets an edge in the real world over the Satmar shita on EY.

  5. a more accurate headline would be a group of organized ganavim came to meah shaarim and residents tried chasing them away
    yassam commando force should say terrosits in uniforms

  6. YWN 1 genius
    March 19, 2018 2:40 pm at 2:40 pm
    which Rav gave you permission to write lashon hara about these Jews?
    Which rav gave you permission to waste your time blogging on the internet.?

  7. To CrispyCreme

    You are probably right….what a waste of scarce resources and government funds to send security forces and tax collectors to find unpaid NIS from a bunch of useless bums who don’t work or earn enough to pay taxes….and the few who may have any income are certain to hide those earnings to avoid giving a shekel to the Satmar Rebbe’s favorite mosdos

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