Once Again, A Chareidi IDF Soldier Comes Under Attack In Meah Shearim

Once again, a chareidi IDF soldier came under attack in Meah Shearim. The latest attack occurred on Sunday, 2 Nissan, in Meah Shearim. The soldier was safely extricated from the area by an avreich.

The soldier was passing through the community and suddenly the shouts began. It took a brief few minutes until items began flying in his direction, including bags filled with leftover cholent from Shabbos. The soldier tried to duck into the shuk and fortunately, a litvish Yungerman in the area realized what was taking place and he assisted him through the maze of streets in getting out of the area.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. We are an embarrasment to the world! Where does a non religous person turn to to become frum? Who is right? Who is wrong? Moshiach just come cant you see whats happening!!

  2. see my comments under: Tax Inspectors Come Under Attack In Yerushalayim

    This is really disgusting action by frum people and the big tragedy is that the rabbonim do not even say a peep. They are too busy forbidding smartphones! So we are stuck with a generation of hoodlums in frum clothing who lack the ability to think, lack the ability to learn, lack the ability to know what is correct behaviour and lack the ability and motivation to work an honest day’s work!

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