Kassam Severely Wounds Child In Sderot

mda new c.jpgA ten-year-old boy was R”L severely wounded by an exploding Kassam rocket in Sderot on Monday. According to the Jerusalem Post, the boy was in a playground when the alarm sounded – and was running to take cover when the rocket struck.

MDA Medics transported the child to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, with a serious shoulder injury – and doctors may be forced to amputate part of his hand.

Just two weeks ago, two brothers were hit by a Kassam Rocket, and one of the brothers needed to have both his legs amputated to save his life.

18 Responses

  1. I feel terrible for the yidden there that are being injured. I think what the government is doing is terrible, by not protecting them. Can you imagine the headlines “kassams hit american city, President Bush does nothing about it.”

    BUT, what are these people thinking?? Why do they live there, and sacrifice the lives of their children to be there. I read an article in the Yateed where a woman tells how her 14 year old daughter wets her bed at night. Another person spoke about how her children dont sleep at night from the terror. Do these people think they are doing a mitzvah by sending their children to school everyday not knowing if they will return. Of course, everything is in the hands of Hashem, but what kind of hishtadlus is this?? I cannot imagine that Daas Torah states that little children (and adults too!) should be in such a situation inorder to settle the land of Eretz Yisroel.

  2. #2,
    Most of the people who live there don’t do so to fulfill the mitzvah of settling the land. Rather, it used to be a beutiful community with affordable housing, good job oppurtunities etc. Once one already has himself established in a home & at work with his circle of freinds & his kids are in school with all of their social life it’s not so easy to relocate somewhere else. Their real estate there is worth nothing today in order to flip it for a home elsewhere & what about employment. Think about that.

  3. Not all the residents are so blindly idealistic as to risk their lives. This is a financial issue because most of these people have no place to go. They can’t afford to rent elsewhere while paying the mortgage for their homes in Sderot. They would never be able to sell and purchase in a safer city.
    I remember the Gulf War…The residents of Ramat Gan got out of there fast!! They had more ability in the wallet department than these people.
    Hashem Yerachem.

  4. I agree with #2. Sometimes a person has to get up and leave. When there were bombing up north a number of months ago people in that area ran for their lives! they relocated throughout the country and people hosted them in their homes as difficult as it was. Perhaps their homes were destroyed but everyone was in one piece. People in Chevron and other areas do the same thing.

    In any event, this child should have a complete physical and emotional recovery. Hashem should heal him and help him to regain a sense of normalcy in life.

  5. I think that Israelis as well as American Zionists haven’t grasped how cavernously empty and void the Zionist manifesto is, and they seem to feel that Israel will look after them and any trouble that Israel is failing to protect them from is only temporary.

    Unfortunately, as another commenter mentioned in a different thread, Pirkei Avos teaches us that rashus acts for itself, so don’t befriend it, and, is even more so by, since its bloody inception, Israel, than any other government.

    I believe that the people of Sderot still believe that they live in a functioning country of a real government that looks out for their interests. Unfortunately, Israel looks out for its own interests, only, even at the expense of its citizens well-being.

    I imagine it’s convenient for Israel to have a Sderot around so it can show the world that the Arabs are murdering Israel’s innocent civilians. The flaw in that revolting and traitorous plan, is that the world could not care less about Israel’s losses since they view Israel as the aggressor, so the net effect is that Israel, unlike any other country in the world, USELESSLY holds its citizens as mere pawns in the HOPELESS battle for “world opinion”, which they have been pathetically slobbering for since their atheist founder sought to convert everyone to Christianity.

  6. #2 & #6 Have you offered your homes yet to residents that would like to flee?
    You are all missing the point, as Rav Elyashuv stated, “danger is everywhere and the same will happen in Yerushayalim if & when the plans for Yerushayalim are implemented, klal yisroel must protest ……”.
    The holy families of Betar, Nvei Yakov, Ramat Shlomo, etc. will also be looking for safety, will they similiarly be accused of the terrible sin of ‘settling the land of israel’, with lack of concern for their children?
    Why didnt Rav Shmuelivitz zt”l and all mir families leave Yerushayalim when they were been hit by ammo from Jordan in 1948, why were they sacrificing their lives & children to live THERE? Why did they not leave to Tel-Aviv, Bnei Brak or safe Monsey?
    Your daas torah seems to be, leave and come to friendly, peaceful and safe America and Europe.
    #7 I dont agree that the people of Sederot think they are living in a functioning country. The yeush is all emcompassing for residents throughout the country, a showing are embracing yiddishkeit(or just yordim instead) knowing that that is the only answer. In addition Israel has NO INTERESTS currently, while the people are splintering in dozens of directions to savour a few more shekels from the govt coffeers. This is blatantly ‘yad hashem’, leadership with hardened hearts, people with no direction, and a glorious geulah around the corner.
    With this horrific scenerio, yeshivos, seminaries,& Nefesh BNefesh flights are filled up with Torah frum individuals anxiously looking to live, learn & ‘shavu banim l’gevulame’.

  7. #3 This is the responsibility of the government (even if they are shirking it), not our women and children.

    #4 and #5 I understand that it is not easy to pick up and move when there is no money for it, but these are the lives of our children! I would think that starting from the bottom with safe children is a lot better than the possibility of losing a child lo aleinu.

  8. I think #2 Yiddeshe Tuchter raise a very interesting point. I’m not sure. On the one hand just pack out, on the other hand it’s not so simple to just pick up your whole family, especialy whe the odds are that your specific family won’t be injured.

    Yiddeshe Tuchter: I wish I had your special concern and gefeel for Klal Yisroel, you inspire me to reach greater hights in my Ahavas Yisroel. Who ever you are I wish you and your family much gezunt!

  9. I just hope the arabs never stumble on to yeshiva world.com and see how many supporters they have from the frumma yidden. It would certainly give them renewed hisoirorus

  10. I think that if they would relise right away what’s going to happen, they would think twice, but it happens slowly…for a bomb here..& then the 2nd lebenon war broke out making them no worse then the whole country.
    in any way , there are going thru gehinom..& hashem should give them power & siyate dishmaye

    on the happyer side of the story…
    if they would know how much att. you get when you BACK OUT ( like LIPA did…) maybe they would think twice ..

  11. # 11 – I dont understand, you think I back the arabs because it pains me terribly every time I hear about another child that is injured in Sderot!?!?!? What kind of krumkeit is that??

  12. the arabs make a fuss about ‘collective punishment’ whenever a policy is initiated to peacefully get the terrorists to stop their terrorist activity.
    why isn’t the kassam attack on israeli cities looked as ‘collective punishment ‘ of a city whereas at any time kassams are fired and destroy and maim jews thruout the area where the kassams are fired at.something is amiss with our public relations!

  13. Yiddishe Tuchter, my comment was b’ikar aimed at no.7 ‘hakatan’. L’gabay you i think your insinuation that the government doesnt care about the rockets is perverted. The only way to really stop the rockets is for the army to re- conquer gaza, and would come at the expense of many soldiers lives. Just remember, the soldiers who finally go out and put their tochus on the line to defend the suffering yiddishe children wont be yeshiva bocherim on bain hazmanim break, so dont be so quick to judge.

  14. One day of no electricity for every bomb that falls (ch’v)
    If the rush the fence great.
    Machine gun them as they rush. If that doeant work napalm the whole gaza. Time is running out. Bush will say nothing.

  15. HonestAbe, thanks for the update. Refuah SHeleima!

    Yiddishe Tochter, where do you propose they go? Are you offering tickets to Brooklyn or wherever you are, plus accomodations, to a family of 6-8-10 or even 4? Sderot is not an affluent community, to put it mildly. The Northern war was for a couple of months, this is ongoing unfortunately. That was summer, now it’s cold and rainy. If someone cannot afford to rent elsewhere (and where does he get a job for his food??) and move his family, I’m sure it’s particularly touching to have comfortable Americans talk about him this way “what is he thinking?”. Maybe he’s crying that he cannot afford to live somewhere else, and that despite the wonderful ppl who ARE reaching out and helping as best as they can, not only has his government forsaken his community but his brethren are pointing fingers at him too?

    (And one more thing, you folks tend to think of places in Israel like “Sderot” as a bungalow colony if you will of 12 families. It’s a city!! Every injury and every death is heart-breaking! but you also have to understand that someoen who stayed there is not sitting and facing a personalized firing squad… we’re talking about a big area)

    Hashem yishmor…. we all need his shemira!

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