Traffic Police Issue 971 Summonses Throughout Yehuda And Shomron In The Past Week

As part of the focused enforcement activity of traffic police and the integration of additional forces, with an emphasis on Route 60, as well as additional roads in in Yehuda and Shomron. 971 traffic reports were recorded during the past week. Most of the enforcement was focused on the perception of drivers driving the road in a manner that endangers road users, bullying and endangering life.

  • 25 licenses were suspended.
  • 26 vehicles determined not roadworthy were taken off the road until repairs are made.
  • 29 vehicles were banned from the road.
  • 63 summonses were issued for illegally operating a cellular phone while driving.

In an enforcement operation on Highway 1, near Mitzpei Yericho, a speeding vehicle, a speeding Palestinian vehicle was caught driving at a speed of 195 KPH on a section of a highway with a speed limit of 90 KPH.

The driver of a Palestinian vehicle, a resident of Bet Lechem, will be brought to a expeditious hearing and his license will be revoked for 30 days.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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