MK Gafne: Secular Newspapers Are Not Objective – If You Want Objective, Yated Neeman

MK Moshe Gafne on Tuesday, used his speaking time during a Knesset plenum session to launch an attack against the Haaretz-affiliated The Marker business newspaper.

He began “Barucha Haba Sofa Landver” he exclaimed as the minister who was at the heart of the coalition crisis storm entered the hall.

Gafne then shifted his direction to The Marker. “I turn to The Marker, there is an entire article here that does not start and never ends, and I turn to The Marker from this podium to say, ‘Who is the regulator who fed you?'”

“You know, members of the Finance Committee, that when there is an argument between us and the Finance Ministry, the Marker is writing an article against me personally while I have a professional debate with the Finance Ministry’s Ministry of Finance and Finance Ministry’s budget department.

“The secular press is not objective. If you want to publish a story, publish it in Yated Neeman, which is objective” concluded Gafne.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. i wrote the same sort of thing, but YWN didn’t allow my message thru b/c i wrote that the petira of Reb shmuel was covered by a 3×3 notice in the corner of their paper

  2. @chilliworker2 You mean like The Peleg did to Maran HaRav Shteinman? Exactly.

    See here for the despicable Hapeles headline under the leadership of Nati Grossman controlled by Rabbi Auerbach Z”L.

    Now get lost, you creep.

  3. @fakenews: oh you don’t like the fact that there were to many chayalim/police in the pictures?
    what’s true is true – yes, it may hurt! sorry – i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings!

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