Birthrate in Israel Increases; Chareidim At Head of the Pack

Photo via Flickr / yoavelad

The statistics are in for the year of 2016 with regards to the Israeli birthrate, and unsurprisingly the Chareidim are leading once again. Some 181,405 babies were born in 2016, an increase of 92 percent since 1980. 93,364 of those babies were boys making up 51.5 pecent of the total, while the other 48.5 percent at 88,041 were girls.

The Central Bureau of Statistics who published the report on Tuesday, also said that the average family has 3.11 children, a number that has steadily increased. Of the babies born, 76.8 percent were Jewish or other, and only 23.2 percent were Muslim. For those who worry about the overarching demographic picture in Israel, the childbirth rate of Jewish babies compared to those of others also rose to an average of 3.16 children per mother.

In a non-surprising statistic, it was reported that with regards to births in cities that have a population higher than 10,000 people, the place with the highest birthrate was Modi’in Illit, a Chareidi City outside of Modi’in. The city with the second highest birthrate was Beitar Illit, another Chareidi city in Gush Etzion. Both cities, interestingly enough are part of Judea and Samaria. Bnei Brak came in fourth with the Bedouin town of Lakia taking third place. Chareidi cities filled out six of the top ten cities in Israel with regards to birthrate.

Most of the ten cities that ranked lowest on the report were Druze cities from Israel’s north or cities that ranked very high on the socio-economic scale that had a large number of immigrants such as Ramat Gan.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. great, we will outbirth them and eventually control the budget, increase money to yeshivas and kollelim and finally do away with a notion of a draft and invest in what really protects klal Yisroel, the Torah.

  2. nowecant – if the frummers were ever so numerous as to “control the budget” there propbably wouldn’t be sufficient revenue to “increase money to yeshivas and kollelim”.

  3. To Nowecant…

    Really funny….you will “outbirth them”, whoever you define as yena….and you will also magically take more tax money out of the pockets of a declining productive population that hold jobs and contribute to ecomonic growth and give their money to the non-productive growing portion of the population many of whom don’t believe inworking and who don’t pay much in taxes. (Do you remember Joe the Plumber who complained about Obama “spreading the wealth”??) If you have a business that has sucessfully cloned this magical business model that prints NIS from nothing, please share with the rest of us. Specifically, something more than the usual “the Ebesheter will put money in THEIR pockets” so they can pay their fare share of taxes… just like THEY share the burden of national service.

  4. @nowecant, If the Charedim controlled the government (before Moshiach) it would make Venezuela look like Gan Eden.

  5. Note than the third commenter calling himself “godolhadorah” is a known anti-Orthodox anti-chareidi poster who derides minhagim and halachas on a daily basis.

  6. Yep do away with the draft. And just as happened 75 years ago when faith jammed the German machine guns faith will protect from neighboring armies

  7. Maybe some of you haven’t heard about this yet, but Meretz (one of Israel’s left leaning parties) introduced a law that would turn the IDF into a professional army, and do away with the idea of a forced draft for everybody. Why aren’t the frum parties railing behind this law?
    Is there some ulterior motive?
    Another point, putting your complete blind trust in the IDF shows a lack of emunah. They are merely shluchim of Hashem who is really protecting us all. We don’t have to ‘help Hashem out’ with our dire predictions of what will happen in 50 years. ‘Harbeh drachim yesh lamakom’.

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