Deri Explains What it’s Like to be Number Two

Speaking with Channel 1 News anchor Geula Even, Shas co-leader Aryeh Deri what asked “What is it like to be in the number two spot?”

Deri, in a smiling tone, explained “I was out of politics for twelve years and I have adjusted. I am number two at home – my wife runs the house. I was there when Shas was founded, the father, mother, big brother – call it what you wish. I was minister of the interior, in the cabinet, running the party for years. Been there and done that so it’s fine. Today, in the election period, I am the director of Shas just as any corporation must have CEO, and that is me. Of course there is a board of directors and we answer to Maran and respect his decisions.

“I promise you that we will surprise you all when the election results are seen. I live in the streets and mingle among the voters and know we will surprise, with big numbers.”

When asked to comment about former Shas member Rabbi Chaim Amsellem, who launched the Am Shalem Party, Deri stated “I made a neder and I do not and will not respond regarding the man.”

Deri was however willing to comment on Amsellem’s campaign for higher education for chareidim, citing it was Shas that launched the first chareidi colleges and worked hard to support the Nachal Chareidi to help launch it. Deri added that history speaks for itself and anyone can look at the when and where and realize what Shas has done over the years, the accomplishments.

When asked to comment on what cabinet post he will receive; Deri smiles and said the Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah will decide and they will accept it.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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