Mrs Adina Bar-Shalom: From My Part, Shas Can Vanish

Mrs Adina Bar-Shalom, a daughter of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L, spoke a bit about a new party that she is starting, adding, if it were up to here today, the Shas party would vanish.

At the annual conference of the graduates of the Gesher Leadership Institute, Bar Shalom said: “Deri has changed a lot since he entered prison, and before that he knew how to mediate and connect the worlds, a lofty man but it is a pity he entered prison and was ruined”.

She was then asked if she refers to Shas in the past tense, as Z”L, and she responded, “If it depends on me, then yes, but you know that it does not depend on me.”

Regarding the party that she is forming with others, she explained there are chareidim, secular, and dati leumi, and a joint platform. She added she has no desire to serve as a MK but does wish to be one of the founders of the party.

When asked about the incitement against the chareidim, she responded, “the attacks against chareidim take me back to a place when they pulled beards of Jews during the Holocaust.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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