HaRav Boaron Blames Chareidi MKs For Not Caring And Permitting The Draft Of Religious Females

HaGaon HaRav Tzion Boaron used a kabolas panim event last week in the Kretchnif-Sigat Beis Medrash in the Beis Yisrael neighborhood of Yerushalayim to speak out against chareidi MKs. The event was in honor of two talmidim released from military prison; Yitzchak Landau from Yeshivas Ohr Chaim and Idan Cohen from Yeshivas Ateret Chachamim in Holon.

Rav Boaron began, “We are living in a difficult dark period. There is no country in the world that forces Bnei Torah to enlist, let alone to recruit girls against their will. Girls even if they are not so religious, when at home with her parents she keeps kosher, observes Shabbos, but as soon as she enlists in the army, she gradually drops everything, including Shabbos. There is nothing left of modesty where everything is broken. It is impossible that in one place there will be boys and girls and the sanctity will be preserved, there is no such thing.”

This is a war against religion. Even the head of the Zionist system said that there is no need for yeshiva students, and not only that, there are thousands of soldiers who have nothing to do in the army. Today the army different. This is not what it used to be, today everything is electronic, we do not need all of them, but rather, this is a matter of persecution to destroy Judaism. They are pained that there are B”H so many baalei teshuva and yeshivos. This they cannot tolerate the facts”.

Rav Boaron then turned his remarks against chareidi MKs, stating “There is no one to rely upon, not a single one. All of the parties calling themselves ‘chareidi’ do nothing. They simply don’t care.” The rav goes on to lament the reality of what is taking place, adding one cannot fathom the damage that is being done.

He then praised the two who were released and their battle on behalf of Torah.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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