WATCH: YWN Interviews An American-Born Chareidi Soldier Serving In The IDF

Yehuda Kronenberg is part of a group of soldiers who are part of the Chareidi Unit 941, stationed in the Northern Shomron. They are currently on “מילואים”.

4 Responses

  1. This is a disgrace why does YWN promote the IDF and bash the yeshiva Bochrim every day of the week. Im not a pleg guy but watching this type of promotion to the IDF over Torah is a disgrace. Don’t you guys get it there is a battle going on and if you guys keep this rhetoric the Torah world will lose the battle ??

  2. The first two commentaters are RESHAIM.
    If you had one hundredth of yehudas mesiras nefesh for klal yisrael we could have a discussion.
    Your hatefull vitriol only proves how Torahdik his lifes choices have been and what failed loosers your faed crum hashkafa have been…

  3. Chareidi amiti, are you aware that ALL the gedolim in the past 70 years said its assur for ANYONE to join the IDF? Rav Shteinman said the Nachal Chareidi is for mechalelei shabbos and chayvei krisus ONLY.
    So the question remains, why is YWN promoting the IDF? Maybe its time to drop the Y from YWN. This in no way represents yeshiva values.

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