Israel Police Officer Caught Perjuring Himself in Court

On Wednesday, The Jerusalem Magisterial Court held an additional hearing that involved the presentation of evidence in the case of Noam Friedman and his son who is an IDF soldier. The two stand accused of causing damage to Palestinian vehicles after rocks were thrown at their own vehicle.

During the proceedings of the hearing, Officer Segev Madmon from the Hebron police department arrived and gave testimony, according to which, he arrived at the scene of the incident together with two other officers. His testimony also revealed that he spoke with the Arab plaintiffs who pointed out Noam Friedman as being the culprit. He also said that he heard Friedman’s side of the story that rocks were thrown at his vehicle. Madmon was the officer who submitted the written report about the incident itself.

After Madmon finished testifying, he was cross-examined by the lawyer representing Friedman and his son. He questioned the officer and asked if he had actually been at the scene. He showed the officer the film of the incident and asked him to point himself out in it. During the video, a police car is visible arriving at the scene, but it was not Madmon who was in the vehicle.

Madmon then admitted that he was not with the other two officers and that he was not at the icident at the time that he claimed he had been. Following further questions, Madmon admitted that he arrived late to the incident and that he could’t recall why he was the one to have written the report.

The officer then admitted that even though he testified that the incident report was written by him, the signature on the bottom was not his.

Attorney Itamar Ben Gvir, who was the attorney cross-examining Madmon said: “Unfortunately, this situation is just a symptom of the way in which the police operate. Sadly, there are many officers who arrive at the witness stand and do not tell the truth. It is a good thing that we had video footage to prove it in this instance. Unfortunately, there are far too many cases in which there is no video footage.”

Final judgment in the case of Friedman and his son will take place in the coming months.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. No Jews has any business living in Hebron. He’s making the whole country crazy with that nonsense. The Hebron settlers are the primary reason there’s no peace, that Israel makes a big chillul Hashem with their treatment of the Arabs, that people get hurt.

    The Hebron settlers are the biggest sinners in the world.

  2. MTAB; whether they should live in Chevron or not, your words are callous, evil and also wrong. Are you really so naive to believe that if there were no settlers at all, there would be no Arab terror? Well, then you might be a liberal.

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