Frum Soldier Returned To Unit Following Media Pressure – Then Docked For Turning To Media Over Beard Issue

Religious Chareidi IDF soldiers with beards

After Ynet correspondent Yossi Yehoshua revealed the situation in which a religious Golani Brigade soldier was dismissed from a frontal command post for not shaving, commander wanted clean shaven soldiers, so he removed him from the post.

In a bizarre move, after the soldier was brought back, he was dismissed again, this time for taking his case to the media and ignoring the chain of command. In truth, this is the norm. If a commander demands a soldier shave, even if the soldier has authorization for a beard, he will get into a jam for insubordination. The same game is being blamed here.

Clearly, the IDF under the leadership of IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott is far from a friendly one for religious soldiers, for since Eizenkott assumed command of the military, he has stripped the IDF Rabbinate of much of its authority, preferring to place it in the hands of the non-Orthodox friendly IDF Education Corps.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Reminds me of the news during the Obama era about the sexual harassment (and assault and rape) in the U.S. military. The “chain of command rule required the complainant to report to the immediate “superior”, who ( at least 25% of the time) was the perpetrator. The publicity became so bad that Obama announced that reporting rules would be changed to report a complaint to an outside (not in the chain of command) individual. I have yet to see such a change seriously implemented (what happens is the victim goes to, say, the police who then contact the military who then take jurisdiction anyway).

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