Be’er Yaakov: Woman Killed And Son Critically Injured In Fire

fire9_m.jpgHatzolah Israel tells YWN that there has R”L been a fatal fire a short while ago in the Be’er Yaakov neighborhood. According to Hatzolah, fire-fighters arrived on the scene at Rechov Rav Meir Baal Hanes and found an apartment heavily engulfed in smoke and flames. A 30-year-old woman was pulled out of the structure in critical condition, but was R”L Niftar while en-route to the hospital. Her 4-year-old son is reported to be in critical condition as well.

An additional 5 patients were listed in stable condition.

A fire chief told the Jerusalem Post, “I have been a firefighter for many years and this is one of the most severe cases I have ever seen,” he said. “We risked our lives going in there. It took us a minute to find the mother, then we went back into the fire and located the boy as well. We carried them away and simultaneously tried to douse the flames.”

Police have launched an investigation into the incident.


4 Responses

  1. Hashem is sending K’lal Yisroel ominous messages all the time. We MUST do something to arouse His middas horachmim.This week’s sedrah is very appropriate! It coincides with Purim koton,and z’man nissim for forthcoming ge’ula. Let’s beseech HKB”H for mercy and pity.

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