Peleg Rabbonim To Establish Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah Following Shiva For Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach ZATAL

With the ending of the shiva for HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach ZT”L, a decision was made to convene the rabbonim to establish the “Bnei Torah” (Peleg) Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah. Taking part will be HaGaon HaRav Azriel Auerbach , HaRav Tzvi Rothberg, HaRav Markowitz, HaRav Ehrenberg, HaRav Friedman, HaRav Deutsch, HaRav Shenker, HaRav Shuv, HaRav Bordiansky, HaRav Schmida, and HaRav Zalaznik.

The members of the council have signed a letter, which appeared in the Peles Newspaper, where they pledge to continue the derech of the late Gadol, HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach ZATZAL, who was planning to establish the council. The council is likely to be meeting this week, either in the home of HaGaon Rav Azriel Auerbach or possibly the meeting will be held in the home of the niftar. This is yet to be finalized.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. oy vey, can your translator not get the names right?!
    Tell him to ask around, and people will tell him how they are pronounced – Rav Shenker, Rav Schmida and Rav Zalaznik

  2. We have the original Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, which is in Agudas Yisroel. Then we have the Degel Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, which broke off from the Agudah. Now we’ll have the Peleg Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, which is a break off from the Degel. And we have the Shas Chachmei Gedolei HaTorah, which fashioned itself based on the Agudah and Degel model, rounding it off to four Moetzes in Eretz Yisroel. Then there’s the American Agudah Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, making it an even five.

  3. No! YOU Council of Sinas Chinam, Violence and Hate: GO AWAY TO NIGERIA and make your Peleg Council! We don’t want you Inciting Violence among young Bochrim, We don’t want you Pulling Bochrim out of Bais Medrash to Riot like Goyim and Scream and Sit in Gutters like Ghetto Hoodlums! You are a Hateful Cult! If you Don’t want to Follow Law and Don’t want to Peacefully apply for Army Exemptions, MOVE TO RUSSIA!

  4. Gadolhadorah,
    Ummm, I think that was exactly his point, s/he’s highlighting the mistakes. And talking about spelling; articl is usually spelled with an e at the end.

    This is a constant problem with re-translations from one language to another and back again. When Rav Sternbuch was living in London or in Johannesburg, he and others spelled his name ‘Sternbuch’. In EY they spell it שטרנבוך. Then when it gets written in English, it becomes Shternbach, or Sternebuch etc. Same with Duschinsky – Dushinskiya, Selesnik – Zalaznik, Gurwicz – Gurvitz, Wizhniz – Vishnitz, etc.

  5. Gordie…thanks for the Shpelling primer but given the very points you make, is there really a “correct” version when transliterating from one language to another??

  6. Joseph, there will soon be more Rabbonim Shlita on the various Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah than regular Yidden. I guess that is one way of getting people to listen to them!

  7. “making it an even five”

    And what exactly is wrong with having 5?
    Better more, than having one and being controlled by one faction.
    It said in the name of Rav Chaim of Brisk ZTL that he wasn’t too much behind the very formation of the Agudah in the first place, the reasoning is that he feared that what if it will eventually become corrupted (politicians/askanim controlling Gadolim) and everyone will still have to abide to one and only one Org/Dais. He said you will always find individual true Gadolim that are only concerned with L’shem Shomayim…

  8. Gadolhadorah,
    Yes, there is. My example of Rav Sternbuch, who was born and bred in London, has a UK Passport and speaks a very good English, spells his name as I put it above. Therefore, a credible news outlet, like YWN purports to be, should spell names of him and similarly well known individuals correctly.

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