Lapid Renews His ‘Share The Burden’ Campaign; Insists He is Not Anti-Chareidi

The Chairman of the Yesh Atid party, MK Yair Lapid, insists he is not anti-chareidi, but simply feels the security burden of the nation must be shouldered by all equally. Lapid was in Tel Aviv on Sunday, 17 Adar, pushing his share the burden campaign and working against ongoing coalition efforts to pass a new draft law that would serve the chareidi sector, a law that would be the legal basis for chareidim not serving in the IDF.

“The chareidim exploit Netanyahu’s weakness because of the investigations in order to run over the religious and traditional secular public in the State of Israel, which is an insult to every soldier in the IDF” Lapid told supporters in Tel Aviv.

Lapid was at the central Tel Aviv train station for the Sunday morning rush hour to send his message to commuters. “We are stopping the bill and returning to sharing the burden”, read his party’s stickers that were being distributed to passengers and pedestrians.

“First the Shabbos supermarket law, which is an insult to IDF soldiers, an insult to the State of Israel and an insult to the Torah of Israel. Nowhere in the Torah of Israel do they say that it is permitted to send others to be killed for you. Nowhere in the Torah of Israel does it say that it is permitted to evade national service in MDA or help the elderly or disabled, and the chareidim simply exploit Netanyahu’s weakness because of the investigations, in order to run over the secular and religious public in Israel. Stop the law of draft dodging and return to equality with the burden. ”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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