Jerusalem’s Chief Rabbi: Female Combatants In The IDF Compromise The Military’s Operational Abilities

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem HaGaon HaRav Aryeh Stern Shlita released a letter to IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott, calling upon him to reconsider the policy of gender-integrated service in the IDF as the new phenomenon continues spreading in the IDF.

On Wednesday, Taanis Esther, there were reports that members of the 118th Brigade of the Armored Corps who refuse to participate in a coed tank commander course, explaining by doing so, it would compromise their religious sensitivities and their fear it might even compromise the level of their religious observance as soldiers live and sleep together in the tanks.

Rabbi Stern calls on the IDF commander to reassess the policy which he implemented, adding of late, he has consulted and heard things which he finds troublesome. The rabbi points out a soldier cannot observe a proper Torah lifestyle if compelled to serve in a mixed unit as such a setting is contrary to his lifestyle and values.

He adds many are disturbed as to how the IDF has trampled the pasuk ‘והיה מחניך קדוש’, and tznius has been abandoned towards advancing another agenda, one that is unacceptable. He adds that he has also learned that the presence of women alongside male combatants has lowered the operational effecti

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. If even the Mizrahi object on religious principles, people who have been idealistic soldiers since the beginning of the State of Israel the IDF must take note. The IDf is not a volunteer army but drafts from the population. As such they can NOT force people against their clear Religous sensitivities – as openly espoused by rabbis! Especially a JEWISH Army! Not everyone hasto be religous in the IDF – at the SAME TIME religous soldiers do not HAVETO compromise their lifestyles so that the IDF can become the equivalent of a Co-Ed Dorm where many go loose with their restraints and values! it is Not a Secret on Youtube there are videos of IDF female soldiers seemingly as if they are men;s magazine models! Most of the IDF are upstanding heroes but we must listen when Rabbi’s – even Mizrahi – complain!

  2. Brilliant. Really brilliant. The IDF people don’t care. They would rather compromise their operating abilities, as long as they can bring men and women together in a tank.

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