Gur Provides An Update On The Rebbe’s Condition

The Gerrer Rebbe

Gur provided an update on Tuesday night the eve of 13 Adar, which states that the Rebbe Shlita underwent a medical procedure. During the morning hours of Tuesday, the rebbe was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem, where he underwent a procedure under partial anesthetic. The rebbe’s secretary, Rav Yitzchak Broida released the official update during the evening hours. He added that barring any changes, the upcoming Shabbos will be a regular one for the rebbe.

Channel 10 News analyst Raviv Drucker reported that due to the intervention of Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, a Gur chossid, patients in the area were moved to different rooms. He reports the rebbe was admitted to the vascular unit and three rooms were emptied to accommodate the rebbe. One patient was placed in a hallway and Litzman came personally to make sure everything was the way it was planned, with hospital director Prof. Rothstein meeting with Litzman.

The entire matter was given top VIP treatment and the veil of secrecy continued until the rebbe left.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. They placed a patient in the hallway to vacate 3 rooms for one patient?

    If I had been the patient placed in the hallway, I would have screamed bloody murder.

    That’s shameful.

  2. Did the Gerer Rebbe know that another patient was placed in a hallway so that THREE rooms could be cleared for the Rebbe. Why were three rooms needed?

  3. He should have a refuah shelamah. Having said that, one is left numb reading that for some unknown reason THREE hospital rooms “were emptied” for the Rav (who obviously can only use one room at a time) and one patient who was thrown of his/her room was left “in the hallway” at Litzman’s directive. We’ve seen before that Litzman is a political hack first and and always so was this done to gain favor with the Rebbe’s followers?
    We should also wish a refuah shelamah to the three patients who were thrown out of their rooms for unexplained reasons.

  4. Why did YWN feel the need to report that part of the story? All it’s doing now is causing sinah amongst yidden on the Yom Tov of Purim which is supposed to do just the opposite. Not everything that happens must be reported.

  5. they take the term “court of” seriously. why does an inconvenienced Jew matter in accommodating royalty? the hallway near the rebbe is holy land!

  6. Raviv Drucker is a known left wing reporter who has many times been proven wrong. He has only one goal and thats to destroy anything religious/conservative. He has been if not the main then one of the main forces behind the accusations against Netanyahu and his family. Before jumping to conclusions and accusing the rebbe and his associates of neglect, do a little research.

  7. This must have been mistranslated. The true story is that Litzman made sure that the patient that was moved to the hallway was moved into a room and properly taken care of.

  8. All cholei Yisroel should have a refua shleima.

    How insensitive can you be Gadolhadorah? Of course three rooms are needed. Where are the Rebbe’s Gabboyim and the Deputy Minister of Health supposed to sit; in a hallway? Really.

  9. and a mental refuah shelemah for Litzman and company who had the GAUL to request 3 ROOMS EMPTIED OF PATIENTS to accommodate………..

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