Agudas Yisrael Council Sets Election List

Representatives of Agudas Yisrael’s national committee met on Sunday 18 Kislev 5773 and voted in the party’s list ahead of the 11 Shevat 5773 national elections. The Asifa was held in the Naot Yerushalayim Hall in Bnei Brak, emceed by Rav Chanoch Zeiburt.

Deputy Health Minister R’ Yaakov Litzman praised the achdus, while R’ Meir Porush opted to address the worrisome situation facing the chareidi tzibur at large, referring to the new reality that efforts are underway to draft chareidim, to pull talmidim and avreichim out of beis medrash to serve in the IDF. Porush also spoke about efforts to draft females, issues pertaining to state involvement in chareidi education and chilul kevarim.

Deputy Education Minister R’ Menachem Eliezer Moses spoke of difficulties regarding government ministries accommodating chareidim, explaining the ministries as a rule are genuinely uninterested in accommodating chareidim. He spoke of the difficult uphill battle regarding any and all achievements on behalf of the chareidi tzibur.

R’ Yisrael Eichler opted to focus on the accomplishments of the chareidim in Knesset in the outgoing administration. He then shifted and spoke of the “blind hate” in Knesset for “anything that has the slightest hint of being Jewish.” Eichler called for achdus towards entering the Knesset with a strong faction that will better represent the interests of the chareidi Torah tzibur in the 19th Knesset.

HaMevaser adds the atmosphere was without a doubt one of achdus, one that highlighted the critical hour – the need to put all other considerations aside for the good of the tzibur.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. So if the Hareidi world splits three ways, the odds are none of them will win and the seats go to their enemies (the way proportional voting works).

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