Degel Rabbonim Expected to Convene Next Week to Set Party Lineup

The Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael of Degel Hatorah is expected to convene next week to decide on the party lineup for the general elections, the election for the 19th Knesset. Because of the complexities surrounding the Yahadut HaTorah coalition, which in the big picture includes Degel and Agudas Yisrael, the first two Degel slots are viewed as being “realistic”, with some adding the third slot, depending on who that person is. The more complex picture includes the Degel split along with the Agudas Yisrael factions.

A leading name considered for the third slot is Rav Yaakov Asher, the popular mayor of Bnei Brak. Asher is expected to step down in ten months to honor the rotation agreement with Agudas Yisrael so a spot in Knesset comes at an opportune time. He is also parve in the eyes of most, even among members of the break-away HaPeles Yerushalmi faction, something that must also be taken under consideration.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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