Knesset Passes New Law: No Smoking At All IDF Bases

idf smoking.jpgThe Knesset plenum has approved a new law, which will prohibit smoking in all IDF, police and Israel Prison Service facilities. The bill passed its second and third readings with 11 MKs voting in favor and MK Moshe Sharoni (a smoker) voting against.

The new law will define IDF bases, prisons, and police stations as public spaces under anti-smoking regulations.

MK Yoel Hasson who created the new law told Arutz 7 that it would apply in areas such as cafeterias and classrooms. Soldiers will be allowed to smoke in their rooms and in open areas, and prisoners will be allowed to smoke in their cells, he said.

(Source: Ynet / INN)

19 Responses

  1. Slightly off topic:

    I believe that it is a chillul Hashem for a frum Jew to smoke today, now that everyone knows the evils and dangers of smoking…

    There are three categories that the majority of smokers fall into:

    a. People who have been smoking for decades [before the awareness of health issues was widespread]
    b. Lowlifes
    c. Yeshiva bachurim

    How embarrassing is this?! How WRONG is this.

    I know that “EVERYONE” smokes.

    I know that you’re considered a “NERD” if you don’t smoke.

    I know how “NECESSARY” smoking is to your lifestyle.

    And I know it feels SO GOOD to smoke cigarettes, but it also feels good to smoke marijuana and we know there is no excuse for that among yeshiva guys.

    How can you say “Refa’ainu” in shachris and then run out for your morning smoke?

    Forget about the smell, the sensitivities of others around you to second-hand smoke [proven to cause terrible diseases and cancers], the fact that no girl wants to marry you if you look and smell like a chimney…


  2. To No.8 and everyone elso, i am/was a Yeshiva smoker for 15 years and for anybody that doesn’t smoke it’s very easy to talk but the real truth is that it’s unbelievablly difficult to stop smoking, both emotionally, socially, and physicaly. But i stopped about a year ago in one shot [I smoked at least a pack a day for over 10 years the first few years I smoked less] I tried many times to stop each time I had a child etc. but it just didn’t work untill I planned a date [meanigfull to me]a few months in advance that I will stop smoking I did not slow down gradiully I just stopped on that date. It was extremelly hard I couldn’t sleep or function properly, but after two weeks it goes on to a easier stage and then after a month even easier and then after six weeks you almost don’t need it anymore, I can say that now [less then a year after] i don’t even want it anymore and I feel so much better emotionaly I don’t wait to finish davening, or to finish shabbos or to run out of a chasuna or out of a shul a meeting etc. to grab a smoke. because of me a couple of my freinds stopped as well, i would advise everyone to stop, and if you do just a small favor as a token of hakaras hatov, say out of your mouth that it should be a zchus for the poster of this message, he should have health, wealth, nachas, and hatzlachah in everything, amen.

  3. Back about half a century ago, when the US Surgeon General first came out with the conclusion that smoking is dangerous to your health, my father, Z”L, was a chain smoker. Me being the immature smart aleck little cheder yingel who thought he knew everything, came home from cheder that day and told my father, Z”L, “it says in the Torah ‘ushmartem lenafshoseichem,’ so it’s now assur to smoke”. My father, Z”L, being the ba’al bitochon he was, quit cold turkey.

  4. #6
    “The yeshivot should learn from the IDF and ban smoking in all Batei Midrash and dormitories.”
    As usual, always looking for something the Yeshivot should learn from the IDF. I could easily find many more things the IDF can learn from yeshivos. Oh, and proably more signifigant things too!
    And btw fyi, I don’t know of a single yeshiva that allows it!

  5. “As usual, always looking for something the Yeshivot should learn from the IDF. I could easily find many more things the IDF can learn from yeshivos. Oh, and proably more signifigant things too!””
    You are getting hot under the collar, pirkei avos says, Who is a wise man, who learns mecol adom…….. that includes learning from every human creation. (not only tzadikim and shomer mitzvohs).

  6. #12, I don’t disagree. How about the yeshivot run programs for the chayalim to expose them to the lofty yeshiva ethic, and teach them some Torah no strings attached? Is Ponevizh prepared to spearhead such a program?

  7. #12 (ploini): It may not be *allowed* in yeshivas, but it’s certainly not discouraged enough!

    Too many people have been lost to lung cancer, etc. It is time for us to collectively kick the habit!

  8. #17
    What r they supposed to do? It is not allowed indoors and discouraged in general by roshei yeshiva. What more do you want? People can make their own decisions, and it may not be included in any issur.

  9. Because smoking in the bases is the worst problem Israel has, and the top priority. Never mind the rockets at Sderot, never mind the division of Yerushalaim and giving away Yehuda and Shomron, and never mind the removal of all funding for Jewish studies in yeshivot in Israel.

  10. “People can make their own decisions, and it may not be included in any issur.”
    Comment by ploini — February 20, 2008 @ 3:02 pm

    Not included in any issur?!
    “Venishmartem meod lenafshoseichem.”
    How many other issurim use the word “meod”?

    It is 100% assur to smoke.

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