Jimmy Carter Warns Against One-State For Israel-Palestine

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is warning that the two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “is being overtaken by a one-state reality which will have dire consequences for Israel in the long-term.”

Carter concluded that the establishment of an independent Palestinian state “is in Israel’s best interest.”

In a statement to the Security Council read Thursday by former U.S. ambassador Richard Murphy, Carter said that a two-state solution “must be anchored on 1967 borders with agreed upon adjustments and with Jerusalem as the capital for both Israelis and Palestinians.”

He said Gaza “is teetering on the brink of a humanitarian disaster” and warned that another war in the Hamas-ruled territory is “a real possibility — and the consequences would be catastrophic.”


7 Responses

  1. Jimmy Carter is NOT a person to speak honestly about the Israel-Palestinian question – he is a rabid anti-semite – read any of his articles that are readily available on his website. Furthermore – Gaza’s “humanitarian crisis” is strictly due to Hamas control – Israel withdrew from Gaza years ago – yet we continue to send in aid all the time – we cannot and will not be the scapegoats for this one. The one-state solution will not have “dire consequences” for Israel – that is #fakenews and frankly I’m tired of hearing about it. Jerusalem is and always will be the capital of Israel and just hearing Jimmy Carter say “must be anchored on 1967 borders with agreed upon adjustments and with Jerusalem as the capital for both Israelis and Palestinians” shows where his interests really lie – certainly NOT in Israel’s interest.

  2. Carter , the Evil anti-Semitic Palestinian advisor ,is going to tell Israel what to do?
    There is a “Palestinian ” state called Jordan.If he wants to do something useful he can work on transferring Arabs and their international aid blood money from Israel to Jordan.

  3. He said Gaza “is teetering on the brink of a humanitarian disaster” and warned that another war in the Hamas-ruled territory is “a real possibility — and the consequences would be catastrophic.”

    Notice how this is supposed to convince someone that it is just and correct to give them a state. Two problems with this statement:
    1- It’s designed to play on the reader’s emotions and is not Israel’s fault or problem
    2- It is entirely Hamas’ fault and in their power to correct it, yet they spend their money on rockets, weapons and tunnels.

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