Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah Of Agudas Yisrael Says They Won’t Issue an Ultimatum to Netanyahu With Regards To Draft Law

The admorim who comprise the Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisrael met on Thursday evening, 7 Adar, to discuss the next move in ongoing efforts to actualize a new draft law, one that is acceptable to the chareidi parties.

After a three hour meeting, the Admorim ended ther meeting having discussed numerous pressing topics including the conscription law and the exemption of girls from the conscription law.

According to Bechadrei Charedim, one of the people present in the meeting stated that the Moetzes would not issue an ultimatum to Prime Minister Netanyahu. However, he said that the Moetzes decided to issue a strongly worded letter to him demanding that the conscription law be passed prior to or together with the state budget. They strongly hinted that their support for the budget would be contingent on the passing of the conscription law.

With regard to the issue of conscripting religious women, the Moetzes decided that they will demand that the IDF return to their older policy of giving exemptions to all women who request it based on their religious observance. The IDF recently changed the rule to include more religious women in mandatory conscription.

Bichadrei further reported that prior to the meeting, there was a difference of opinion regarding the conscription of religious women, even among the Charedi members of Knesset and that this was one of the reasons the topic was given such high priority status in the meeting of the Moetzes.

There is also an awareness if the admorim condition chareidi support for the budget to the draft, a coalition crisis is likely and this is without beginning to discuss the matter of growing chilul Shabbos R”L in cities nationwide.

Kikar Shabbos News reported on Thursday morning that Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman of the chassidish faction, and Chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee MK ‘Moshe Gafne, of the litvish faction, are currently on the same page as per reading of the political map.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. “The IDF recently changed the rule to include more religious women in mandatory conscription.”

    Mazel tov! YWN was finally modeh bemiktzas that there is a very serious problem regarding the drafting of FRUM girls to the IDF.
    For those who may still be unaware, the new law allows the IDF to cancel an exemption for up to 2 years after it was issued. Until now, it was almost impossible to revoke an exemption after it was issued to a girl.
    This means, that if a girl messes up (i.e. posts on Facebook 5 minutes after candle lighting) even once within 2 years of receiving her exemption, the IDF can recommend her case to a committee with 5 people. 3/5 of those are irreligious giving a majority vote to those who have a very limited understanding of yiddishkeit. That committee has the power to revoke an exemption if they deem her to be irreligious.
    The girl, once informed that her case has been sent to this committee, has only 10 days to come up with necessary documentation to prove that she’s frum.
    It should be noted that there is a consensus on this issue from all the various sectors including Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, Hagaon Rav Dov Landau Shlita, Hagaon Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch Shlita, Hagaon Rav Dovid Soloveitchik Shlita, Hagaon Rav Moshe Tzadka Shlita, among many others who have all come out strongly against this law.

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