77 Percent Of Local Government In Israel Will Host Pesach Schedule In Schools

With Pesach vacation not too far off, 77% of local government has announced schools will be hosting a Pesach schedule in schools. 199 local governments of 256 have responded positively to the Pesach program, which will be advertised by the Ministry of Education.

The schools in those local authorities will have Pesach school and efforts are now underway to enlist manpower to run the programs. This will include students, Sheirut Leumi volunteers, teachers, and assistants. The ministry, headed by Minister Naftali Bennet, stand firmly behind the new idea since he was involved in planning it. The program has potential of providing quality content to one million students, and it will save families about NIS 1,000 annually.

This year, 5778, the holiday classes will operate on five days of Chanukah vacation and five days of Pesach vacation.

It is hoped the program will assist working parents, close the learning gaps for weaker students, lessen the financial load on parents and provide a rich program for students during vacation. In schools, the holiday program will operate from 8:00AM-1:00PM. In kindergartens, from 7:30AM -1:00PM.

Parents will not have to pay for up to four children. For five to seven children, the cost will be NIS 20 per day and from eight to ten children, NIS 30 daily.

The program will cost the ministry NIS 40 million a day or NIS 400 million for the ten days.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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