IDF Says Rocket Fire Dropped Between ’06 and ’07

kassam4.jpgIDF Home Front Command Chief Brig.-Gen. Yair Golan told the Knesset State Control Committee Tuesday that fewer rocket attacks were fired at the western Negev by Gaza terrorists in 2007. According to the report, 1,150 Kassam rockets exploded in Sderot and vicinity in 2007, as opposed to 1,488 a year earlier.

What was very disturbing was that at least 400 rockets were launched at southern Israel from Gaza since the beginning of this year (50 days)!

Golan then briefed the MKs on the Home Front’s plan for the fortification of the region which includes building secured rooms in 3,180 houses in Sderot and its neighboring communities, and stressed that an effective alert system was the commands top priority.

(Source: Ynet / INN)

3 Responses

  1. This reminds me of the story of the people of Chelm who instead of fixing a rotting bridge built a hospital alongside so that anyone falling through could receive immediate treatment. It’s obviously easier, cheaper and quicker, not to mention life- and limb- saving, to simply wipe out the nest of vipers that is Gaza.

  2. From the beginning of the second intifada until the disengagement there almost 6000 bombs falling on Gush Katif.
    Now there are only 1150! Only 4 a day every day for 365 days a year, only 1150. They forget to tell you about the 400 hundred that fell on Ashkelon. Now that the Arabs y”sh are shooting at new closer targets with longer range Kassams with bigger warheads they use last years targets for statistics. In any normal, sane, DEMOCRATIC country, the leadership would have been lynched for constantly promoting the detriment of it’s citizens welfare. The analogy to Chelm is insulting. The people in Chelm were not that stupid.

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