Report: Ambassador Friedman Says Jewish Expulsion From Yehuda And Shomron May Result In Civil War

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman met with a delegation from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations this week, and according to the Channel 10 evening news report, the ambassador addressed the possibility of the eviction of thousands of Jews from homes in Yehuda and Shomron.

Friedman warned that such a move would likely result in civil war. The reports states Ambassador Friedman made his remarks during a meeting with a delegation in Jerusalem, who according to Channel 10 were diligent in recording his remarks.

Continuing on the same topic, a theoretic expulsion of Jews from communities in those areas, the ambassador is also quoting saying some dati leumi soldiers and officers might defy orders to expel Jews from their homes. When ask about the prospect of peace between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority), the ambassador was less than optimistic, citing that since the years of the signing of Oslo, Israel continues to grow and advance nonetheless. He also pointed out that even if an agreement were signed, this would not eliminate the Hizbullah threat or the threat from ISIS.

the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations responded to the report, telling the media that they have seen the report surrounding the off-the-record meeting with delegates and the ambassador’s words were “incomplete and a distortion, and taken out of context.”

A US Embassy response added the remarks were based on statements from three conference attendees who failed to provide much of the context behind the ambassador’s remarks.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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