Israel: Amended Muezzin Law Moving Ahead

The controversial Muezzin Law was sent back to committee and it is moving ahead now in its revised stricter format. The original version was passed in its preliminary reading in Knesset and then it did not advance. Now a new version is moving ahead in its place.

Chareidi parties in Knesset have reportedly cut a deal with their Arab colleagues by which the Arabs will not support a new Draft Law that is objectionable to the chareidim and in exchange, the chareidim will not support the new version of the Muezzin Law, as reported by YWN-ISRAEL.

According to the amended law, a fine of NIS 10,000 may be levied against a mosque that violates the maximum decibel limit during its call to prayer several times daily. In addition, police will be permitted to enter a mosque if required to confiscate loudspeakers. In addition, a mosque may not use loudspeakers from 11:00PM to 7:00AM.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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