Gush Katif Expellee Thrown Out Of His Caravilla In Nitzan

Drama in the community of Nitzan as police evacuated Yossi Zigdon, who is an amputee, from his caravan-villa where he had lived since he was expelled from Gush Katif.

After the deportation, Zigadon contracted diabetes and his leg was cut off.

This week, he was expelled for a second time!

The family and friends from Gush Katif are shocked by the inconceivable act and the terrible suffering of Zigdon and are begging the tzibur to make noise and protest this injustice towards making sure that they return Zigdon immediately to his home because his life is in danger.

The residents of Nitzan say they were surprised by the expulsion that was being carried out in the dark and in a manner that raises serious questions, some describing it as “Sodom and Gomorrah.”

The family and residents of Gush Katif are calling upon Minister of Agriculture Uri Ariel to do what he can to correct the injustice.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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