PHOTOS: Fire Monday Night On Aggripas St. Internet Café In Jerusalem


Jerusalem fire department officials responded to a fire in an Aggripas Street internet café in the capital came in at 10:20PM on Monday night the eve of 5 Adar.

Fire department officials report that an explosion was heard. The building was full of smoke when rescue personnel arrived on the scene.

B’chasdei Hashem, firefighters prevented the blaze from spreading and it was extinguished without serious injuries.

Two persons suffering light smoke inhalation were treated and transported to local hospitals.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo credit: Jerusalem Fire Dept. Spokesman Unit)

One Response

  1. Considering the amount of bochurim and avreichim who have been nichshal in that cafe it was coming to them.
    Full internet access 24 hours a day. private booths. Watching devarim assurim the whole time…
    They should close down.

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