Second Snow Storm of The Year Hitting Eretz Yisroel

YW-Yerush Snow-19.jpgAlthough snow is usually a rarity in Eretz Yisroel, for the second time this year, a storm is currently hitting the area. With the storm moving in from Northern Eretz Yisroel – the Chermon Ski Resort was closed all day due to the storm. The snow then made its way further south, with YWN readers reporting snow covering the streets of Tzefas at approximately 3:30PM EST – and now reports coming into YWN of snow falling in Yerushalayim (6:30PM EST). Forecasters said that the snow could cover areas as far south as Mitzpe Ramon in the Negev.

The snow is predicted to fall throughout the night and into tomorrow with accumulations varying throughout the country. Most predictions are that Yerushalayim will see somewhere between 4-10 inches before it’s all over.

Dozens of snowplows, tractors, and 34 tons of salt stood ready in Yerushalayim to battle the snowstorm – and Hatzolah Israel was gearing up to do their work in the snow. Additionally, the Jerusalem municipality has set up a special team to ensure that all main roads, especially those that lead to the large hospitals, remain open.

Meanwhile, the Electric Company told Arutz 7 that they would not cut power to those who are behind on utilities payments until after the has passed – since temperatures are expected to drop sharply. The Electric Company was also announcing that people should remove any objects from the front of their homes such as antennas and clotheslines that could become detached in high winds and damage power lines.

Residents in Northern Eretz Yisroel and Yerushalayim were being told to leave their water faucets running overnight to prevent freezing – and bursting pipes.

In other weather-related news, two homeless people were R”L found dead overnight Sunday, in two separate incidents. Both had apparently died from hypothermia. YWN had reported recently that quite a few homeless people had died from hypothermia during this extremely cold winter. This prompted officials to send out rescue teams throughout the cities on Sunday to search for any homeless people. Their hope was to round-up as many as possible, and place them in warm shelters until the storm passed. The Jerusalem Post reported that approximately 80 homeless people were found and placed in shelters in Yerushalayim, as part of the municipality’s “Warm Home” project.

15 Responses

  1. Israelis are great on finding excuses. So many things blamed here on the snow.
    IE: A week after the first snow melted a patient was denied an MRI – Biglal HaSheleg (because of the snow). And many, many more. It became a joke here.

    So we’re compiling a list:
    The Light Rail was not working – Biglal HaSheleg.
    Purim’s delayed a month this year – Biglal HaSheleg.

    We’re asking the public to help out with some more good one’s (hey it IS Adar).
    And please don’t delay Biglal HaSheleg

  2. In Yerushalayim, this “snow” was much ado about nothing. More like sleet, freezing rain or slush. No school closings – they just opened 1 hour later – or any other significant changes. Another disappointment for the kids!

  3. I think the message from Above is loud and clear. Two earthquakes AND two storms within only a few weeks! What will it take to wake us up? And in E”Y itself – Hashem will protect His Heavenly City!

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