Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah Of Agudas Yisroel To Discuss Chilul Shabbos And The IDF Draft

Much is taking place to convene admorim shlita of Agudas Yisroel in light of growing Chilul Shabbos and mounting efforts to draft chareidim into the IDF. Kikar Shabbos News reports that a Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael meeting was to have convened the beginning of this week, but for various reasons, the meeting now appears to be set for Thursday, 7 Adar.

With the High Court of Justice striking down the previous draft law, it is likely the admorim will address ongoing efforts to formulate a new draft law, one that is far less accommodating to the chareidi tzibur. The second topic on the agenda is the spreading chilul Shabbos in cities around the country.

It is entirely possibly the admorim will link the new draft law with chareidi parties supporting the budget law, but the likelihood is the chareidi MKs will advise the rebbes against such a move, as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is under enormous pressure concerning ongoing police probes and other current events and not the correct time to attempt a power play.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Whoever is planning the agenda for this meeting should add the critical issue of kollel yungerleit acting like hooligans and assaulting security forces and even young jewish women. Hopefully, they will take a strong stand against this terrorist like behavior and openly condemn the rabbonim and askanim who either directly or indirectly encourage this behavior. The level of violence is escalating and unless they bring these yungerleit under control, we will soon be seeing bloodshed in the streets. Of course, peaceful civil disobedience is a right guaranteed under law, but the demonstrations have gone well beyond peaceful demonstrations.

  2. Now they are meeting? Why didn’t they meet before the Knesset committee meeting last week, to rule on what their representatives should say and do there? So who told Porush et al what to do and say then? They made up their own minds? (Of course – we know what “the tail wags the dog” means.)

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